matter anymore. It matters to me. Do you think I would have left this place if I had known? Do you think I would have abandoned you if I knew you were still alive? You did what you were meant to do. Tell me. Let me hear you say it. Tell me it isn't true. I couldn't live... if I knew I had forsaken you. Paul Atreides is no more, Gurney-Man. The desert winds have erased all trace of his passage here. And soon... Muad'Dib must follow. Please, Gurney, I'm tired... hungry. Get me some food. Ah, Stil. So predictable. It's as if they're daring you to confront them... challenging you to commit troops, thopters. They think I've retreated to the sanctuary of the city where I'm trapped. It's a tactic learned from my brother when he defeated Shaddam... and took backArrakis. Poor Stil. If you only knew it is you who are trapped... not I. They are still over a day's ride from Arakeen. Fine. I'm going back to the palace. I have a wedding to attend. Leave me. Do as I say! There's no need for that with me, Ghanima. Our plan worked. You're alive! I knew it. Oh, I have missed you. I'm sorry, Ghanima. I'm so sorry. I had to let you think that I was dead. It was the only way-- the only way that I could start what must now be finished. Idolaters! Blasphemers! You'll spoil this place! The desert will swallow you! His words are sacrilege. His presence must not be tolerated. You must give the order, Holy One. You must send us to take him. Caution, darling. Do not act impulsively. Not yet. He is an outrage to the religion of Muad'Dib. But that's the point, my darling. We must know for sure whether he really is your brother... mustn't we? It would not do to make a martyr of him just yet. Who is it that calls for Muad'Dib? Help us, Muad'Dib. Muad'Dib's words are the wind. They vanish... like water on the sand. I'll give you Muad'Dib's words. I'll rub your faces in them! I am the voice from the wilderness... and I bring you a warning. The water we spread upon the desert has become blood. Blood... upon the land which was once clean and pure. We have provoked the desert... forsaken its ways. We have succumbed to mindless ritual... and seductive ceremony... placed faith in those who crush dissent... enrich themselves with power... commit atrocity. All in the name of righteousness! All in the name... of Muad'Dib. We have fouled the nest... and it is killing us. But I have seen another path... a golden path-- the path Muad'Dib could not take. I have stood upon the sand... and I have seen a beast rise up. And upon the head of that beast... is the name of salvation... come to spill water upon the sand... come to lead us back... to a dry and thirsty land. Only one blasphemy remains... and that blasphemy... is Alia! Forgive me... Sister. It's in your hands now... Son. Behold me, family! I am Leto! Lion of Atreides... returned from the desert to announce Sachar Nabai-- The Golden Path-- to rid humanity of the perversions done in Muad'Dib's name... and to save it from the abomination known as Alia. Seize him! The time has come, Aunt. You must face the future. I'll drink your blood! Alia, stop it! Stop yourself!. You sorry bitch! You Bene Gesserit whore! Did you think you could escape my vengeance? Did you think I was defeated forever? I have her, daughter-- your precious Alia. She's mine! I won! Demon! Let her make her own choice! Mommy... please help me. Help yourself. Yes.! Yes, do it. Sink it in. Bathe our hands in his hot blood. No.! Darling.! Stop.! Stop.! Stop.! We're so close.! I love you. I can save you. Don't stop now. We're so close. I want my brother. He will need my help to bring peace back to this land. - And you? - I have no home but here. Besides, there will be children again, and they will need me. Dear friend. Alia's water. Take it into the desert and spread it upon the open sand in the
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