shall result in immediate execution. We are seeking safe harbor, not an opportunity for treachery. So you say. But why should we risk... sheltering fugitives from the Imperium? Who says that we are fugitives? Your confrontation with Alia has already taken on... mythic proportions, Lady Jessica. Several Fremen tribes are known to be in open revolt against the Quizrate. Civil war seems imminent. My grandchildren will prevent that. Not if they're dead. I'm sorry,Jessica Atreides... to be the bearer of bad news, but... it seems your grandchildren have been the victims... of a well-planned assassination plot. - Assassination? - Our reports indicate... the Atreides twins went missing from Sietch Tabr. They were attacked in the desert. Leto was killed. They're not sure what became of the girl. We have reason to believe Alia herself may have planned the killings. - That is impossible. -Jessica. It's well known your daughter's on the verge of abomination. Since Muad'Dib's heirs were of age... they were soon to be invested with all the powers of his government. Alia's role as regent was coming to an end unless-- unless your grandchildren could be eliminated... and the blame laid on her enemies. On us. Events on Arrakis are spinning wildly out of control... Jessica Atreides. Now, we can retreat and watch the empire collapse on top of us... or we can give each other sanctuary. I can protect you from Alia's reach... and you can protect me from her madness. And how do I do that? By announcing publicly that we did not kidnap you, as Alia now alleges-- that you came of your own free will, an emissary of the Bene Gesserit... sent to... take over the education of my son. You want me to teach him as the Bene Gesserit are taught? An offer I could not resist. Your mentat is conspicuous by his silence. One must be careful to evaluate... who has the advantage in such situations. Perhaps there is mutual advantage all around. Stilgar refuses to allow Ghanima to travel... saying she's not strong enough... saying her safety cannot be guaranteed. - He has offered sanctuary. - He is naib of the sietch. - We cannot overrule his wishes. - We'll see about that. The activities at Tabr are curious and provocative. No one is allowed to visit or depart without Stilgar's permission. They're planning to go over to the rebels. That's unlikely. We know Stilgar has initiated dialogue... with the insurgent naibs to the south, but only as emissary. Continue your surveillance of Sietch Tabr. I want to know who's coming and who's going... and where all the communications are directed. Time to pay Stilgar a visit. If you hadn't taken them from the city in the first place... - this never would have happened. - I am their guardian, Alia. Are you suggesting she wouldn't be safe at the palace with me? I am demanding that she not be used as a pawn in a civil war. You know as well as I that Ghanima must be returned to the court. She's right, Irulan. As long as I designate Sietch Tabr neutral territory... no violence may be committed by any party to this conflict. However, holding Ghanima against the imperial regent's will... could be considered abduction. As naib of this sietch... I surrender Ghanima to the imperial regent on one condition-- that the Princess Irulan accompany her. If any harm comes to either the princess... or the royal heir... the neutrality of this tribe will be forfeit... and allegiance to the imperial throne... disavowed. Agreed. I want the girl ready. We leave for Arakeen immediately. Forgive me, Irulan. I may have placed you in grave danger. Keep feeding him more and more. The more we feed him, the deeper his trance. The deeper the trance, the more dangerous the trance. -He's stronger than we thought. -Then we must increase what we give him. By the time we're through, he'll be as mad as Alia. What are you doing to
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