whirlwind... sweeping towards her across the desert. Well... who's gonna explain this to me? Who's gonna tell me why I have rioting in my streets... why my name is being used as a curse? You simple fools. The royal twins are missing from Sietch Tabr. Lady Jessica has been abducted off-world. Rebel alliances are being formed by tribes to the south. And now we have anarchy in the streets of Arakeen! You are to blame. Go. Perhaps you should rest, milady. It's difficult to think clearly when one is exhausted by stress. Leave me. I'm fine. Such a pity, eh? Why did you send that lovely boy away? I'm not in the mood to indulge your lurid perversions tonight. Are they mine or simply yours in disguise? After all, I'm only enjoying... what you started. Is that so? Don't forget, child. I'm not really here. I'm simply the manifestation... of what you already are. Go away! Go away! Who else knows they are requesting sanctuary here? The Spacing Guild, of course. They would provide transport with Idaho's bribes. The Bene Gesserit will surely be informed, if they don't know already. Then Alia will be forced to implicate us in this adventure. She'll have to make it appear as if we arranged the whole thing. We should refuse them safe harbor... return them to Arrakis and wash our hands of the entire matter. On the contrary, Tyek. Perhaps we should think of Lady Jessica's visit... as an endowment, not a threat. The woman has many talents, I've read. Perhaps they could be of some use to us. You mean to you. I see no reason why I shouldn't continue my education by all means necessary. Any woman who can seduce Duke Leto Atreides... and a planet of desert Fremen is not to be trifled with. Are you suggesting she might try to seduce me? Don't play the fool, Farad'n. She would be a dangerous guest. But... a grateful one. He may have a point. May the wind strip the flesh from your bones. May Shai-Hulud clear the path before you. Sachar-Nabai. When we meet again. My skin is not my own. The Golden Path is dangerous, Son. It's the choice I couldn't take... the desert storm that cannot be stopped. You will become that storm... my son-- the whirlwind. And nothing will be able to stop you... not even yourself. This is for Leto. We've confirmed that it was Ghanima's knife that killed Palimbasha. And the communicator he was wearing? Off-world manufacture for sure. We found a transceiver implanted in a tiger's neck. And we also found this in the desert. Should I arrange transport to the palace? No! Whoever will benefit from the death of these children... will not rest until they're sure they've succeeded. Until the time is right... she'll be safer here than anywhere. Sand trout. So you know your desert farming, young Atreides. That's right, Atreides. Don't be foolish. We have your water in our cup. Alive? She's alive? We must improvise quickly. Tell our man in the Atreides palace, the priest Javid... he must stir Alia's pot some more. Yes, Princess. They left our priest's body where we would be sure to find it. He was assassinated by Fremen rebels from a sietch near Hirbana Erg. He was traveling with diplomatic immunity when they attacked. They carved blasphemy into his skin, milady. Horrible, profane curses about you and your family. ''Cursed be the name Atreides. Burning be on you for the abomination you have visited on our desert. You shall have no soul, no spirit. You shall not be permitted to come up from the depths.'' The obscenities of desert rebels, Holiness. An example must be made... to warn other tribes what happens... if they persist in this insurrection. No mercy. I want all traces of the rebel sietch wiped out. You will be Leto... son of Muad'Dib. I am Sabiha. I am meant to watch over you. Yes, and no doubt kill me if I try to escape. That won't happen. Drink. I warn you, any attempt at witchery
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