deep desert. It could have been an element within the Quizrate itself. We may never know. - What about Scytale? - He maintains his masquerade. - And the dwarf? - Confined to the keep. Who knows where. Then our plan is still in place. He's alive. Gurney, tell me he's alive. He is alive. But he's blind. It was a stoneburner. Stilgar suspects Fremen. Alia? Chani? All safe. Blind. Blind. There are rumors that Paul can still see despite his blindness. Vision-sight. They say it's a miracle. -Another brick for the myth of Muad'dib. -My lady? Arrange with the Guild ambassador immediate transport to Arrakis. I don't think that would be wise. It was only a matter of time before this happened. It might not be long before it happens again. And you would not want to encourage it. Ah, forgive me, my lady. But those who would rid themselves of Muad'dib would only be more provoked... by the arrival of his mother. If Paul needed you, he would surely send for you. We go forward. We come back. We go forward. We come back. Don't be afraid, Father. The answer's right in front of you. - The Golden Path. - But you must decide. It's the only way. What troubles you, my lord? The future. You're drunk on too much time. I'm drunk on too much me. Do you know how many people have died since I became emperor? Even your empire must live its time... and then die. That's why you're here, isn't it? Is that what you've seen? In your visions? It's obvious to anyone who can see. It's what the Tleilaxu have written upon you-- to kill me. What is it, Stil? I have just received word from Salusa Sucundus. Shaddam is dead. It was very generous of Muad'dib to permit his wife... to attend the funeral of his mortal enemy. How grateful you must be for the safety my sacrifice assured our father... and you. Not one major house represented! Not one! Muad'dib would not allow any formal delegations, milady. As far as he was concerned, your father died the day he was defeated on Arrakis. My father was the 81st Padishaw emperor. A colossus! Who is this bastard Atreides but some Bedouin charlatan? Do not underestimate the power of Muad'dib's prescience, milady. Your father did, to his great misfortune. My father was betrayed by you... and your simpering Spacing Guild. And those witches of the Bene Gesserit. And for what? For spice. You abandoned your emperor for spice. We cannot guide our ships without it, milady. And that is why you will help me kidnap a worm and bring it here. I mean no disrespect, Princess... but take a worm from Arrakis? Even if the Idaho ghola succeeds, there is still the sister to contend with. We must be prepared with other means to diminish the Atreides' power. You want to bring a worm here? Salusa Sucundus might prove hospitable to the great worms of Arrakis. If they thrived, a new spice cycle could begin. And? Atreides monopoly would be broken. Plans within plans. If Muad'dib ever suspected such a gambit... he would smash this planet and the Corrino name into oblivion. We're already in oblivion. Kidnap a worm from Arrakis. The spice must flow. Get out of the way! Get out of the way! The doctors say her metabolism has accelerated. The pregnancy is proceeding faster than normal. It will be a dangerous birth. Beloved. I'm sorry. I've distracted you. If only you could distract me forever. My body's confusing me, Muad'dib. My life burns faster. I'm so hungry, always hungry. Make arrangements, Stil. We leave for the sietch as soon as possible. The baby will be born there. Inform my sister. - How long have you been there? - Long enough. Are you sick, my lady? You don't know what it's like to hunt the future. You've taken spice. Too much. My brother needs me, Duncan, and my vision is incomplete. I need to remember. I need to remember the future. - I'm going to summon doctors. - No. No. Don't leave me. I just need to--
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