qualities can be useful. At least you'll be safe there. There is no one to restrain Alia. Her forces are probing deeper and deeper into the southern regions... attacking rebel sietches wherever she thinks they are. And still, there are riots in the streets of Arakeen itself. And what of the boy Leto? What do they say about him? If he survived the assassin, he did not survive the desert. Worms, storms-- There won't be a body. Where are you going? - To look for the boy. - That cannot be permitted. We never had any intention of helping someone like you, enemy of ours. Cursed be your name, Atreides. Burning be on you for the abomination you have visited on our desert. You shall have no soul, no spirit. You shall not be permitted to come up from the depths. The only thing that doesn't fear an Arrakis storm... is the worm. I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear. I will let it pass through me. I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear. I will let it pass through me. I will not fear! Fear is the mind killer! I will face my fear! I will let it pass through me! I will not fear! It wouldn't have been that easy. I wanted to believe you. I wanted to believe that I could do it, but I didn't. I couldn't. I didn't truly think it was possible. And then my mind melted away. I gave up fighting you, and it happened. It wasn't me you were fighting. It was myself. All that I've learned-- all the nonsense I've imprisoned myself with-- I feel-- I feel like I'm being reborn... like I'm standing on the threshold of something extraordinary. Para-Bindu balance, Farad'n. But only on the threshold. - Patience? - Yes, patience. Remember... it's one thing to gain control of your perceptions... quite another to gain control of your desires. And if I succeed? You'll find reality to be quite a bit different than you thought. My skin is not my own. Must you insist on sneaking away like this? I still feel him, Irulan. His presence. Sometimes I even think I can hear his laughter in the wind. Mocking your decision to marry Farad'n, I hope. Why should he mock it? I cannot stand by and let you be used as a pawn in Alia's schemes. Is that what you think, that I'm being used? That I've agreed to this marriage as part of some conspiracy with Alia? No. But I know you, Ghani. There is more to your decision than anyone else believes. Alia wants my grandmother back. Farad'n is simply the means. But what do you want? Farad'n's blood on the wedding sheets, not mine. You cannot remain neutral any longer, Stilgar. You must ally your tribe with the rebel forces. Never! Rebellion against the sister of Muad'Dib... would bring the greatest dishonor I could imagine. There is no more sister of Muad'Dib. She's gone-- lost to the evil that possesses her. And as long as you refuse to believe it, you wear its collar. Enough! You are the guest of my tribe. I have given you my countenance. But I swear, if you provoke me further with talk of insurrection... I will have your water! What is it, Tariq? - Why have we stopped? - Desert demon. In human form. There are no such things. Your guide has released the worm. We have a little time before he returns. You made it stop. The worm obeyed your command. Yes. They say Leto Atreides is dead... killed by Corrino treachery. A myth I have allowed to persist until I am ready. For what? To undo what's been done in your name... Father. You have no idea who I am. This is your ring, Father. Passed from Duke Leto to you, and then unto me. How far has it gone... this thing you've done to yourself? I am a desert creature. Was there no other way? There was only one way to bring about The Golden Path. You cannot control the future. A man named Muad'Dib should have heeded that advice. Do you think Muad'Dib couldn't see the thing that you want to do? Do you think he didn't
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