Demon! Let her make her own choice! Mommy... please help me. Help yourself. Yes.! Yes, do it. Sink it in. Bathe our hands in his hot blood. No.! Darling.! Stop.! Stop.! Stop.! We're so close.! I love you. I can save you. Don't stop now. We're so close. I want my brother. at Sietch Tabr with Stilgar. He will need my help to bring peace back to this land. - And you? - I have no home but here. Besides, there will be children again, and they will need me. Dear friend. Alia's water. Take it into the desert and spread it upon the open sand in the midday sun. It is our way. Are you going back to Sietch Tabr? I wish to return to our old ways. The desert's dying, Stil. And the Fremen, too, I'm afraid. We're about to go through the crucible... but we'll come out the other side. We always arise from our own ashes. Everything returns later in its... changed form. Your grandfather's ring... and your father's. And now the Fremen's... to remind you of Muad'Dib... to remind you that all humans make mistakes... and that all leaders are but human. He runs and runs and runs. And when he's exhausted himself... he returns to me... puts his head in my lap... and asks me to help him find a way to die. But why does he want to die? To save himself... from the sacrifices he must make-- sacrifices for the future of us all. Then there is a place for me in this future? Your blood was spared the day Leto came back to me. What of our marriage then? As my mother was not wife... you shall never be husband. Politics. Politics. But in time, there may be love... which is more than my brother will have. One of us had to accept the agony. He was always the stronger. History is written on the sands of Arrakis. A chapter has ended... swept away by the whirlwind. One door has closed... but another has opened. And on the other side... our future.History is written on the sands of Arrakis... where rebellion and civil war continue to breed... fed by Alia's brutal tyranny and repression... as she sinks deeper into the abomination of her own ghosts... unable to recognize the forces conspiring against her... unaware of the whirlwind... sweeping towards her across the desert. Well... who's gonna explain this to me? Who's gonna tell me why I have rioting in my streets... why my name is being used as a curse? You simple fools. The royal twins are missing from Sietch Tabr. Lady Jessica has been abducted off-world. Rebel alliances are being formed by tribes to the south. And now we have anarchy in the streets of Arakeen! You are to blame. Go. Perhaps you should rest, milady. It's difficult to think clearly when one is exhausted by stress. Leave me. I'm fine. Such a pity, eh? Why did you send that lovely boy away? I'm not in the mood to indulge your lurid perversions tonight. Are they mine or simply yours in disguise? After all, I'm only enjoying... what you started. Is that so? Don't forget, child. I'm not really here. I'm simply the manifestation... of what you already are. Go away! Go away! Who else knows they are requesting sanctuary here? The Spacing Guild, of course. They would provide transport with Idaho's bribes. The Bene Gesserit will surely be informed, if they don't know already. Then Alia will be forced to implicate us in this adventure. She'll have to make it appear as if we arranged the whole thing. We should refuse them safe harbor... return them to Arrakis and wash our hands of the entire matter. On the contrary, Tyek. Perhaps we should think of Lady Jessica's visit... as an endowment, not a threat. The woman has many talents, I've read. Perhaps they could be of some use to us. You mean to you. I see no reason why I shouldn't continue my education by all means necessary. Any woman who can seduce Duke Leto Atreides... and a planet of desert Fremen is not to be trifled with. Are you suggesting she might try to
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