will agree to a marriage... between Ghanima and Farad'n? She is the reason you must be the one to deliver this proposal. She loved you once, Duncan, and there's a part of her that still does. You're the only one who might reach that part of her... that still knows who she is. She's lost to me now. You saw the evidence of that yourself. You could be saving the life of Paul's daughter, Duncan. As long as Ghani lives, she's a threat to Alia. If we can make my daughter believe that her niece... is the means to eliminating an even greater threat... we can save her life... and buy precious time. I assume you see merit to this marriage proposal... since you gambled your own safety to deliver it personally. Merit and risk. You must decide which bears the greater weight. My priests object to the idea. Because they are myopic and parochial... interested only in preserving their own power. Be careful, Duncan. You're already standing on the precipice. It is no secret desert rebels probe your defenses with increased success. Riots here in Arakeen are the subject of much discussion off-world. Whispers of weakness and disarray are spreading amongst the great houses. Rumors encouraged by my enemies to spread doubt and fear. The jackals are gathering, Alia. An alliance between Corrino and Atreides... would serve as reassurance and a warning. Prepare a formal response to House Corrino. We will allow negotiations for a union... between Ghanima and Prince Farad'n to begin. But make it clear, Atreides interests will dominate. Leave me. Only my husband may remain. I should have you executed for what you did. My diplomatic immunity as Corrino envoy... would make that an unwise decision. Why did you come back here? My allegiance to House Atreides would permit nothing less. I played no part in your decision? I struggled not to allow it. You can't remain at the keep. I must banish you for your treachery. Otherwise, people would question my judgement, my ruthlessness. A quality you must demonstrate often these days, no doubt. They're difficult days, Duncan. Lonely days. I've missed you. Where would you have me go? Sietch Tabr. Neutral territory. Stilgar is trying to broker a peace between the Quizrate and the rebels. Perhaps your mentat qualities can be useful. At least you'll be safe there. There is no one to restrain Alia. Her forces are probing deeper and deeper into the southern regions... attacking rebel sietches wherever she thinks they are. And still, there are riots in the streets of Arakeen itself. And what of the boy Leto? What do they say about him? If he survived the assassin, he did not survive the desert. Worms, storms-- There won't be a body. Where are you going? - To look for the boy. - That cannot be permitted. We never had any intention of helping someone like you, enemy of ours. Cursed be your name, Atreides. Burning be on you for the abomination you have visited on our desert. You shall have no soul, no spirit. You shall not be permitted to come up from the depths. The only thing that doesn't fear an Arrakis storm... is the worm. I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear. I will let it pass through me. I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear. I will let it pass through me. I will not fear! Fear is the mind killer! I will face my fear! I will let it pass through me! I will not fear! It wouldn't have been that easy. I wanted to believe you. I wanted to believe that I could do it, but I didn't. I couldn't. I didn't truly think it was possible. And then my mind melted away. I gave up fighting you, and it happened. It wasn't me you were fighting. It was myself. All that I've learned-- all the nonsense I've imprisoned myself with-- I feel-- I feel like I'm being reborn... like I'm standing on the threshold of something extraordinary. Para-Bindu balance,
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