were delivered. The catalyst is well-hidden. Little, precious Irulan will never find them. Well done. Alia's paranoia is growing stronger day by day. She sees enemies everywhere. And her only solution-- more and more repression. Exactly as we want. The more terror we sow, the more fear and confusion we harvest. The more severely Alia responds... the more Fremen she drives into the south... the sooner they will openly rebel. And then with the twins out of the way... Alia will be more vulnerable than ever. But we mustn't let Farad'n know about our plans until they're done. He doesn't have the stomach for it. How dare you? These robes are gifts from Prince Farad'n. A gesture of goodwill. An opportunity to ease tension between the houses. Javid arranged for this himself. With the regent's approval, of course. I had to satisfy myself. Satisfy yourself? That there was no subterfuge, no danger. You insinuated yourself into a diplomatic matter... that's none of your business. The safety of the twins is every bit my business. You bloodless bitch. How is it that I'm blessed with such an extraordinary counselor as you, Irulan? What devious finger of fate turned you from a Corrino toad... into a simpering Atreides sycophant? That's enough! No, it's not nearly enough. From now on, my niece and nephew are no longer under your care. - You can't do that. - I am the regent of the empire. I'm their guardian. I rule in their name. That's right. And don't let them forget it. Perhaps you should rest. How can I rest, Mother, when I'm surrounded by such incompetent fools? Do you see what's become of my world, Mother? Do you see the chaos I must endure? Yes, I see it. I'm afraid I see it all too clearly. - Get rid of them. - Get out. All of you, out. Come. Still the same arrogant Bene Gesserit cow. You must forgive my daughter, Irulan. She let temper get in the way of judgment this afternoon. She let her words run away with her. Do not concern yourself with me. I know what it's like to be in her place. I know how lonely it can be sometimes. I understand. At the same time, you're never alone. There are always people who need you. Life in a court can be suffocating. Easy to lose your perspective. I'm glad we can be honest. I feel that I can trust you. My only concern is for their safety. Take care of your own well-being. Thank you for your concern. You're very important to me. I will letAlia know that I bear no ill feelings because of her harsh words. You're very understanding. There they are. Those two. Can you see them? We have a shuttle waiting. Leto, come. Hurry. Anybody who had a hand in helping the twins get out of the city... must be arrested and brought to me. I will make an example of all who defy me. Get out! This is my mother's doing. I want her dead. - Now. - No, my dear. Not just yet. Patience, my dear. Patience and calm. That is the palliative for fury and despair. Everyone is turning against me. Oh, don't worry, child. There are many clever ways to rid oneself of a troublesome witch. Your efforts to the contrary, I suppose. Well, unfortunately, my efforts were, shall we say, interrupted... by a wonderfully devious and cruel little girl. You took great pleasure in the act, as I recall. I had to admire your ruthlessness. Had you only been a few years older-- Why am I even listening to you, you perverted old fool? Because I am here to help you. Because I'm the only one you can trust. What you must do is take care of your mother in public. Why don't you call in that lovely boy? The priest. Javid, eh? Mix business with pleasure perhaps? You were right, Muriz. Her paranoia deepens with each passing hour. - She's ordered immediate retaliation. - Good. The more the repression, the greater the rebellion. The greater the rebellion... the sooner our enemies slaughter each other. Get word to that Corrino
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Мы - не ангелы на английском - текст Вертихвостки на английском - текст Миссис Минивер на английском - текст Тайна на английском - текст Малыш и Карлсон на английском |