must come to House Atreides. No matter what the cost. You handled that well. Shut up. As you wish, milady. We found their clothing near the bakery, Stilgar. We're certain they're no longer in the sietch. They must be wearing those robes they brought from Arakeen. But our search parties can't find a single trace of them in the desert. They won't. Not unless the children want them to. They do not appreciate my presence here. These are puritans, Reverend Mother. What they do not like is what's become of their revolution. Then I must convince them that neither do I. A messenger has arrived under immunity of Stilgar. It is urgent. You have a message from Sietch Tabr. Fali, hold! Your grandchildren are missing. I'm to bring you to Sietch Tabr as soon as possible. You can't go with him, Holy Mother. He is a ghola. He was my duke's most trusted warrior. He died once, saving Muad'Dib's life... and mine. But he is Alia's husband. He is still Atreides. It is my daughter who is not. We don't have much time. What about these Fedaykin who have helped me? Alia has issued a warrant against them. - Crimes against the Imperium. - Of course she has. Stilgar has offered sanctuary if they can make it to Tabr. Then that is what you will do. When the imperial agents find this place... there must be nothing left but the wind howling through the rocks. As the Holy Mother commands. May Shai Hulud clear the path before you. Is it true about my grandchildren, Duncan? You would not have come if you didn't believe it, milady. Stilgar suspects they may have seen this crisis coming. He fears they've gone into the desert. I made many mistakes with my daughter, Duncan. There have been many mistakes, milady. And I repeated most of them. She will not survive the trial of abomination. This is not the course for the Sietch Tabr, is it? No, milady, it is not. Are you going to tell me where you're taking me? Somewhere even Alia won't think to look for us. I don't think they saw us. I don't think they were looking for us. We don't have much time. We have to make those rocks before sunset. Search parties will be certain to come out this far now. - That's not a worm. - But an animal. More than one. It's closer now. Much closer. Move! - There's a cave up there. - Run. Get in!History is written on the sands of Arrakis. Muad'Dib is gone... but his children remain-- almost grown... and about to face the consequences of their father's legacy... a legacy fiercely guarded by their aunt, Alia... even as she struggles with the ominous destiny of her own birthright. Here I am. Here I remain. The Golden Path. The path I couldn't take. It's up to you now, my son. The Golden Path is dangerous, son. Leto. I was hoping to see a worm. You know they never come close enough to see anymore. The water has driven them away. Everything's changing, Ghani. Changing too fast. You've had another vision, haven't you? My skin wasn't my own. I was running across the desert just so fast... just running and running... to Jacarutu. I saw him there again, our father. - You sure it was him? - Yes. And he spoke of the Golden Path. It frightens me. I'm afraid of what it could mean about us. - We're not like Alia, Ghani. - Are you sure? Will you tell our grandmother all this when we see her? I don't know. What do you think? It might be wise to understand her a bit better... before we allow her to understand us. They've come for us. Haven't they, Irulan? I expect you both to be courteous and respectful. None of your sly comments. She's a Bene Gesserit... and she'll know if you're keeping things from her. Why should we keep anything from her? Do we have anything worth keeping? That's what I mean, Leto. Stilgar and I are almost at our limits with your wit. Worm sign. I didn't see anything. Perhaps a slightly higher altitude would be advisable, Leto. My
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