taught me that well enough. That's what you're afraid of, isn't it? You're afraid I have Paul's vision, his power. No, my darling. I am afraid that you will get lost trying to achieve it. I hate you. I love you. I will never forgive you. Blasphemers! Idolaters! You fool yourselves... with images of things you cannot possibly understand. You cripple yourselves with these toads... of ritual and ceremony. They give you only fear. And in return... you give them obedience. But I give you a warning. Those who accept self-deception... shall perish by that self-deception. And those who pray for dew at the desert's edge... shall bring forth the deluge. Milady. Don't torture yourself. He's mad. He's a mere thunderclap in the night, startling for a moment, then gone. And if I asked you to kill him, would you? I wouldn't hesitate. But I would advise against it. I'd say it's not time to move against the Preacher yet. - Listen to him, darling. - Let him gain some currency. - He's so handsome, isn't he? - Let our enemies rally to his ideas. The man has flaws. When the time is right, they can be used to discredit him. Just what the doctor ordered. Better he is disgraced than martyred. You're always good medicine for my distress,Javid. Whatever the cause of that distress, milady. Reverend Mother. - They told me I might find you here. - I was afraid it might be gone. Paul-- Muad'Dib would never have permitted that. He said your promise to the old housekeeper Mapes... would never be broken. It seems a little silly now though, doesn't it? Considering the changes that are everywhere. People don't come to visit like they used to, but still, it remains a symbol. Symbolism is everywhere these days, just like these weeds. I'm truly happy to see you, Irulan. Your devotion to my grandchildren has been a comfort to me. They are the source of my happiness. And your occasional exasperation, I hear. They are... strong-willed. As I would have expected, considering. And what else did you expect, Reverend Mother... considering? I am-- was a Bene Gesserit... trained just as you were. I know the Sisterhood has never lost interest in the children's bloodlines. Although they would never confide as much to a defector like me. Isn't it ironic, Irulan? We're both Bene Gesserits... who've deserted our sisterhood for the same reason-- love. Love of men who are now dead. I did love your son,Jessica. And I would have made him a good wife. Instead I have satisfied myself being a good teacher to his children. And friend. Nothing-- Nothing will harm them as long as I can prevent it. Do you understand? I don't know. Perhaps it would be better if I never became emperor. I'm being selfish, I know. But I think it's necessary for me and Ghanima... to have the freedom to learn to live with what we are. And what are you, Leto... that you need this time to find out about yourself? Why don't you tell me? That's why you're here, isn't it? You remind me of your father. And my grandfather? My namesake. Your beloved duke. Such an admission would be complicated, wouldn't it? We may have to enter a realm of intimacies that would make us both... uncomfortable. In a way, I find it reassuring... that he lives on in you. How little you understand how he lives on in me. Is that what you're struggling with? Yes. To know the future is to be trapped by it, Grandmother. My father knew it, but he couldn't escape it. I want more freedom than that. A universe of surprises. That is what I pray for. Is such a universe possible for someone like you? Possible? Yes. But is it desirable? I have a difficult decision to make, Grandmother. Do I accept the Atreides mystique? Dress myself in our myths? Live for my subjects and die for them... or do I chose another path? A Golden Path. One that may change me, change human destiny forever? I don't understand. No, I
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