human. He runs and runs and runs. And when he's exhausted himself... he returns to me... puts his head in my lap... and asks me to help him find a way to die. But why does he want to die? To save himself... from the sacrifices he must make... sacrifices for the future of us all. Then there is a place for me in this future? Your blood was spared the day Leto came back to me. What of our marriage then? As my mother was not wife... you shall never be husband. Politics. Politics. But in time, there may be love... which is more than my brother will have. One of us had to accept the agony. He was always the stronger. History is written on the sands of Arrakis. A chapter has ended... swept away by the whirlwind. One door has closed... but another has opened. And on the other side... our future.
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