the desert, sheltered once is sheltered always. After the Harkonnen invasion, these were the men who protected you... before you were finally reunited with Muad'Dib. A reunion which allowed me to join his rebellion... against Shaddam and the imperial forces. Another rebellion awaits you, Gurney Halleck. My loyalty is to House Atreides. I am House Atreides. And what of your aunt? My aunt is lost... lost to forces she could not control... to forces who want to destroy House Atreides. What have you done to yourself? I have made a choice... accepted a destiny, nothing more. My eyes can see it... but my mind refuses to believe it. Believe it, Gurney. Remember the words of my father and my grandfather, your duke. They spoke to you of desert power. I am desert power... and nothing can stop what is going to happen. We are here to honor the throne of Muad'Dib... and his sister, the holy regent. We are here to honor his esteemed daughter with the presentation... of our son, Prince Farad'n... heir to the throne of House Corrino. We offer our deepest condolences on the loss of your brother. Perhaps the union of our houses... can put an end to the treachery that took his life... treachery that was bred on Salusa Secundus. What did you say? I am ashamed to say that the animals that killed Leto, son of Muad'Dib... were created and trained on my planet. And the regent of House Corrino knew of this? - She planned it. - How dare you! I'll dare quite a few things from now on, Mother. You've been quite adept at making decisions in my name... decisions which I've found extremely distasteful. You insolent bastard. Let's not discuss your weaknesses now, Mother. I forbid you to say another word. You forbid nothing. As heir to the throne of House Corrino, I am now the author of my own decisions. My mother is stripped of all accounts and privileges of the House Corrino. She is no longer sovereign regent of this family. She is, from this moment forward, banished. You're more of a man than I'd ever thought possible. And you can spend the rest of your days pondering that in utter darkness. Patience is a virtue I have in abundance, if you haven't noticed. Hold. Did you have anything to do with the death of my brother? I knew nothing of the plot against him until it was too late. Forgive me. I am at your mercy. This is my wedding present to you. I have nothing else. No dowry. Only the truth. I believe him. Take her. Leave him. Maybe he'll amuse us with more intrigue... and double-cross in the days to come. Don't you find it interesting, Jessica... how the sins of the mother bloom in the children they bear? She's weakened by madness. She still commands the imperial armies. They are retreating to the city... trapped by the shield wall from which they are vulnerable. They say the price on your head keeps going up. Then I say unto you... send men... to summon worms! Then let us go... to Arakeen... to collect it. Manut. A storm. Not a storm. - I must get word to the palace. - Yeah. Don't be afraid, Gurney-Man. There is no way... to hasten what is meant to be. When the time is right... he will find us. Who are you? Who I am doesn't matter anymore. It matters to me. Do you think I would have left this place if I had known? Do you think I would have abandoned you if I knew you were still alive? You did what you were meant to do. Tell me. Let me hear you say it. Tell me it isn't true. I couldn't live... if I knew I had forsaken you. Paul Atreides is no more, Gurney-Man. The desert winds have erased all trace of his passage here. And soon... Muad'Dib must follow. Please, Gurney, I'm tired... hungry. Get me some food. Ah, Stil. So predictable. It's as if they're daring you to confront them... challenging you to commit troops, thopters. They think I've retreated to the sanctuary of the city where I'm
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