countenance. But I swear, if you provoke me further with talk of insurrection... I will have your water! What is it, Tariq? - Why have we stopped? - Desert demon. In human form. There are no such things. Your guide has released the worm. We have a little time before he returns. You made it stop. The worm obeyed your command. Yes. They say Leto Atreides is dead... killed by Corrino treachery. A myth I have allowed to persist until I am ready. For what? To undo what's been done in your name... Father. You have no idea who I am. This is your ring, Father. Passed from Duke Leto to you, and then unto me. How far has it gone... this thing you've done to yourself? I am a desert creature. Was there no other way? There was only one way to bring about The Golden Path. You cannot control the future. A man named Muad'Dib should have heeded that advice. Do you think Muad'Dib couldn't see the thing that you want to do? Do you think he didn't confront the possibility? Muad'Dib was afraid. He was trapped by his own prophecy... a victim of what he knew he could not choose. So I have chosen... to make a world where humankind can create its own future... from moment to moment... free of one man's vision... free from the perversion of the prophet's words... and free of future pre-determined. This does not belong to me. How many nights I have sat on a dune just like this... imagining a night just like this... with my father. Just the two of us... talking and... and laughing. And how many nights I have gone to sleep on the cold floor of the sietch... dreaming of his arms around me... sheltering me from everything I was afraid of... everything I could not understand. Are you still a good Fremen? Yes. Then will you permit... a blind man... to go out into the desert... and find peace on his own terms? Not yet. Cursed be the name Atreides. Body shield. Armed. Eight of nine new settlements have been abandoned. Many of the old sietch communities are becoming overrun with refugees. The holy regent demands that you abandon your pledge of neutrality. Ally your forces with hers and put an end to this damnable rebellion. Alia is Fremen. She knows she cannot make such a demand on me... or on any other naib! You can no longer remain above the fight, Stilgar. Your feeble attempts to mediate have accomplished nothing. It is time for you to choose. Are you with the empire or against it? It is not a choice I will make because... some fop of a priest demands it. Well, perhaps the royal consort... can talk some sense into this obstinate fool. I can do better than that. The "royal cuckold" thanks you for this opportunity. Stilgar will now make his choice. You have violated sanctuary. You have defiled... the honor of my people. No, Stil. I have just cut the collar from around your neck. That was the right choice, Stil. Two deaths for the Atreides... the second one for no better reason than the first. It was a sign. He forced our hand. Now Alia will be forced to move against us. He has taken the tribe into the desert. No one knows where... but his only refuge will be with the rebels. Idaho acted impulsively, milady. He was... Was my husband! Kanly... vendetta... on Stilgar and all of his tribe that joined him. Let them be hunted down like desert rabbits. Yes, yes. Kill them. I want their skins when they're caught. Nice touch, yes. Very creative. This is the one we took on the south face. He came across the bled from the south wall. So, they say you rode a worm here. A 20-thumper ride. - And yet, you are not Fremen. - They taught me well. Rumors across the desert say you're dead, Gurney Halleck. There are many who wished it were true. The sons of Esmar Tuek are not among them, old friend. We've been waiting on you, Gurney Halleck. - How did you know I'd come here? - My father told me. Your father? Well, in
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