Only I remain now to do what I must do. And what is that? Save the desert. My skin is not my own. I can't... I can't do it. You can. You will. I'm here. I try to see myself there, but I can't. - I can't. - Patience. Concentrate on visualizing the flow of time. It must move, not you. It would have been easier to begin this when you were younger. I'm surprised you never asked for a Bene Gesserit teacher before. They'd have leapt at the opportunity to put you in their debt. My mother had other training in mind for me when I was younger. - You can still learn. - If I'm patient? You must learn each and every muscle... as if it were a single string on a baliset. When you learn how to play them individually... you'll know how to play them together. The union of opposites, isn't it, Jessica? Recognizing the essential instability of our universe... one must learn to make it one's own creation. It is the Bene Gesserit way. So you haven't forgotten everything you were taught. You need a bath. We'll continue tomorrow. He is a slow learner. On the contrary, he's making more progress than I would have expected... in so short a time. And you? I know what I intend to get out of this relationship, Wencisia. What is it you expect? Our houses are at their crossroads, Jessica... families weakened from within. You and I both confront the greatest danger from those closest to us. You have a daughter from whom you are estranged. I have a son in whom I have little confidence. What do you expect me to do about that? Simply... consider the union of opposites. We hear rumors of your granddaughter. - Ghanima? - It seems she has survived. Alia has taken her from Stilgar, but Irulan is with her. Get to the point, Wencisia. An alliance. Corrino and Atreides. An alliance through marriage. Under your tutelage. Farad'n could be fashioned into an acceptable mate... for someone as special as your granddaughter. He has his talents, and he's a fast learner, as you say. Worse things could happen... than an alliance between old enemies. Your son was clever enough to see its potential once. Surely you can see the need for it now. The idea repulses me. Surely your mentat reasoning can see the value in it. That an Atreides would willingly marry into the house... that has vowed its destruction... it's madness! That's exactly what my son did when he married Irulan. Politics ruled that decision, and it averted a war. Do you not see the similarity to our present situation? Do you really think Alia will agree to a marriage... between Ghanima and Farad'n? She is the reason you must be the one to deliver this proposal. She loved you once, Duncan, and there's a part of her that still does. You're the only one who might reach that part of her... that still knows who she is. She's lost to me now. You saw the evidence of that yourself. You could be saving the life of Paul's daughter, Duncan. As long as Ghani lives, she's a threat to Alia. If we can make my daughter believe that her niece... is the means to eliminating an even greater threat... we can save her life... and buy precious time. I assume you see merit to this marriage proposal... since you gambled your own safety to deliver it personally. Merit and risk. You must decide which bears the greater weight. My priests object to the idea. Because they are myopic and parochial... interested only in preserving their own power. Be careful, Duncan. You're already standing on the precipice. It is no secret desert rebels probe your defenses with increased success. Riots here in Arakeen are the subject of much discussion off-world. Whispers of weakness and disarray are spreading amongst the great houses. Rumors encouraged by my enemies to spread doubt and fear. The jackals are gathering, Alia. An alliance between Corrino and Atreides... would serve as reassurance and a warning.
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