Paul's interference in the ecology of this planet. I'm so weary of rumors. They are the lifeblood of this empire, I'm afraid. Reason enough this trip should have been delayed. This way! The tigers track the robes flawlessly. Our friend Palimbasha has done his job well. It appears your patience is about to be rewarded, milady. Yes. I've waited many years, Tyek... for just the right moment to finish the Atreides. Patience has been my only nourishment. Our allies on Arrakis continue to instigate civil unrest. Alia's hold on power is beginning to slip. And now we have the means to deal with Muad'Dib's twins. - I hope milady is satisfied. - Oh, I won't be satisfied... until every bastard Atreides is crushed... beneath the jackboots of the Corrino Sardukar. Like the desperate pacing of giant cats in the zoos of ancient times. I wouldn't know. I'm not the scholar you are, young prince. Back and forth. Back and forth until they made themselves sick, just like this worm. Just like my mother... with her futile schemes to regain power for the House Corrino. Your mother is an ambitious woman, my prince. Her ambitions tend to be undisturbed by reality, I'm afraid. You don't share her desire to regain your grandfather's throne for yourself? Only a fool covets power without appreciating its delicate uses... or fearing its inherent perils. The world of Shaddam the Fourth remains only in crumbling history books. We hate the empire that defeated it, but have no idea what we'd like instead. The kind of society we once had, I assume. My mother may believe that's possible, Tyek, but I'm not so sure. I'm just not so sure. I heard about your little stunt in the desert. Well, I prefer to think of it as expert flying, but carry on. With your encouragement. Our father's memories are very instructive. Well, I suppose I should be grateful I don't have to tell your grandmother... you were lost to a worm before she was supposed to see you. That would have been an unpleasant task, wouldn't it? It's rumored my mother has resumed her allegiance to the Bene Gesserit... and you both know what the Sisterhood thinks of those of us who are pre-born. And you want us to pretend to be something we're not? I expect you to protect yourselves. No more talk of your father's memories or his spirit or his animus. Surely one can distinguish between being pre-born-- And being possessed. For some, that's a distinction without a difference. For us, that's dangerous. But what if she's coming as mother... as grandmother, and not as Bene Gesserit inquisitor? You share her memories, Alia. Surely, her motives can't be that complex. If my mother wasn't that complex, neither of you would be here. She would never have betrayed her training. She never would have had a son. I would have been her firstborn, not your father. And none of this would have happened. I warn you, enemies often appear as angels. I hope you two can tell the difference. We're going to lose her. We already have. You're nervous, aren't you? Why should I be? You haven't seen her for many years. Your grandmother and I had an unsettled relationship. But you wanted her affection, didn't you? Affection wasn't possible under the circumstances... but I am due some respect after all this time. Stil, please. When you first came here many years ago... Muad'Dib told me his father said... '' Beauty has finally arrived... to hold back the wilderness.'' In his honor, may I borrow your duke's words today. Good friend. The imperial regent, my lady. It's been so long. Of course, you recognize your grandchildren... even after all this time. I hope we can find time to shed formality... and get to know each other again. The mother of Muad'Dib has returned to us. You must offer them your blessing, Grandmother. I see the hypocrisy of ritual still thrives. Sometimes it is necessary to accommodate ritual
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