wisdom of this government... to do what it decides is best. The rabble of the desert must be made to comply with our judgment. It is we who rule here... not the mob of the sands. There are those of you who fear I have returned to Arrakis as a Bene Gesserit. That I have abandoned my loyalty to the Atreides partnership with the desert. But since the day the Fremen... gave life to me and to my son... I have always been Fremen. And I will always be Fremen. Be quiet! We cannot abandon the desert. My daughter is lying. The worms will not survive if the desert shrinks. She knows this. Spice production will slow... until it is only a fraction of what it has been. And when that happens... We'll have a corner on the scarcest commodity in the universe. You will have a corner in hell. Fedaykin, we who have been scorched know how to stand back to back. I have men here, milady. When religion and politics ride in the same cart... the whirlwind follows. The Golden Path. It's up to you now. The desert storm that can't be stopped. The whirlwind. Leto, don't. The Golden Path is dangerous. The path I couldn't take. You were having another vision, weren't you? Events are moving faster than we anticipated, Ghani. We have to go now. To Jacarutu? The answer is there. I know it. We can't turn back. We have to finish this. Muad'Dib, the god, must be destroyed. We must find the Golden Path. It's a dangerous path. It's the only way out of the trap. He saw it at the end. Father's last vision. He knew it was possible. Don't you see? That's why he left. He left it to us. You're not telling me everything, are you? There are things you've seen that you keep from me. I can tell. Only things that I don't even understand... yet. But I have faith, Ghani. Faith that no matter what happens, when the time comes... we will both know what to do. Are you sure we can make it? I'm sure that if we don't try, we'll have failed. I'm afraid. Fear is the mind killer. - I will face my fear. - I will let it pass through me. We are ready for tonight. - Have you seen that one? - The one who's gone over to our enemies? Without doubt. Palimbasha. I saw him in the bazaar at Arakeen with the tigers. No doubt he has his part to play. You ready? I find it ironic that we're using gifts from our enemies as means of escape. But you're enjoying the charade anyway, aren't you? - You know me too well. - Yeah, too well. Which is why you must promise me we'll only be as reckless as necessary. Only as necessary. It won't be long before the alarm goes out. There. The way to Jacarutu. They'll never think we've gone in that direction. We can rest here until arrangements are made to get you out of the city. Unless something is done... civil war is inevitable. We must get a message to Stilgar. He must call for a council of naibs. We must bring a trial of possession against Alia. You know what that will mean, Reverend Mother. She is your daughter. I know what it means. An official warrant for the arrest of Fedaykin Al-Fali... and his confederates from Sietch Gara Kulan. Post it in every city. Send word to every sietch. The conspiracy to murder the imperial regent... and kidnap the mother of Muad'Dib must be crushed without mercy. Are you looking at me or analyzing me, Duncan? I'm gathering data. You must find her, Duncan. You must find her and return her to me. Surely your data must point to the danger I'm in. We are in. Perhaps your lover would be a better comfort to you than I. I've made so many mistakes, Duncan. So many mistakes. Because I've been afraid. I'm ashamed of my weakness. Please try to forgive me. I lost my temper in there, Duncan. I know it was a mistake, but I can fix it. It was an accident of fatigue, nothing else. I can make everyone understand. Everyone except her. You have to deal with her. She is your mother.
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