This is why you invaded my privacy? To disapprove of my recklessness? - A body was found in the desert. - A young woman. - A Fremen. - Fremen? Decapitated and her hands removed. So someone was afraid she'd be found before the desert does its work. I want you to examine the scene the way our mother taught us. You will take the ghola mentat with you. I assume you can handle him. I should arrange a thopter. Poisoned! - How can you tell? - The molting of the skin. Clearly the effect of rapid neurological atrophy. A Tleilaxu specialty. Tleilaxu? Face dancers. This is a dead Fremen girl, my lady. What if there are no women reported missing amongst the Fremen? Othyem's daughter, my lord. - Lichna. - It's been years since I've seen you. And my father. I must beg Muad'dib's forgiveness for this intrusion, but... I am the smoke who banishes sleep in the night. Sit. Deliver your warning then. You must visit my father... as soon as possible, milord. - There is a plot against you. - There are many plots against me. This is a Fremen plot. My father has information for you. But he's weak. He's sick. He needs you to visit so he can tell you. Why didn't he tell you so you could tell me? He feared I might be captured before seeing you. If I know nothing, I can divulge nothing. I leave for Othyem's tonight. Othyem has missed... his old friend. A face dancer. - Good one too. - Let me take its water. No, Stil. This must play out the way I've seen it. Cursed be thy name, Atreides. Your time has finally come. The stoneburner is set and ready. Let the others know Muad'dib is in the streets. Go. So, you've come, then. We meet again, Muad'dib. Answering the call of the Fedaykin. I carry your water burden, Othyem. Command me. I caught the spitting disease in Tarahill. - The tribe will take my water soon. - Let me summon my doctors. We've had doctors as good as any Muad'dib could provide. There's treachery, Muad'dib. I'm ashamed to say it. The Fremen plot against you. They want time to stop. They want things the way they used to be. Bijaz has told me their names. He was a gift to me... after our victories on Tarahill. I am a person, not a gift. Cheap to feed but costly to fill. Empty me as you will, sire. He always prattles on like that. He's a good spy. You should take him tonight. Our enemies will think I'm selling him to you because I need the money. To be gone is to be bygone. Let bygones be bygones. And Bijaz and Muad'dib must be gone by now. He's right, Muad'dib. It's not safe for you to be here. These are troubled times, old friend. It was better when we were alone in the desert... with only the Harkonnen as our enemies. There's a thin line between enemy and friend. Where that line stops, there's no beginning... and no end. Bygones be bygones, let them fall where they may. This has been a dirty day. The wind speaks of demons. That is not the wind. Stoneburner. Don't look at it, my lord! You can't look at it! My eyes! It's worse in the Old Quarter. Stoneburner for sure. - What about Muad'dib? - We are just entering the area now. My eyes! Milord! Is that you? Here! I'm over here! Take this one and get him to the keep immediately. Your eyes... Do it, Fedaykin. Do it now! This way. My lord. Your eyes. My eyes are gone, Stil. My gods! Muad'dib. Calm, Stil. They blinded my body... but not my vision. There are men who need your help, Fedaykin! Here and here! The law, Muad'dib. We live by Atreides law now, Stil. None of these men are to be taken out into the desert. Anyone who wants is to be fitted with Tleilaxu eyes. Not eyes, yet he sees. He has sight without eyes. You knew this would happen. It had to be. Why? Why? For our son. How long have you known? I have always known. It was just a matter of when. Forgive me, Chani. There was no way I could spare us this. I waited as long as I could. We will
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