if I have another child. I can feel it. He may be right to fear. Someone has been feeding you a poison. It's the only possibility left. But the doctors have never found evidence. They wouldn't. Its traces are subtle, confusing. Of the most sophisticated chemistry. Beyond their knowledge. Surely from off-world. But... there are remedies. The ancient Fremen diet... which might overcome the contraceptive's effects. But it's dangerous. You would be required to eat greater and greater quantities of spice. And if you conceive... it will accelerate your pregnancy. But the question remains... who has been able to feed you the contraceptives for so long? Be that as it may... this is a question that cannot be delayed any longer. The great houses are still demanding... that a constitution be on the agenda... at the next convention of the Lansraad. It's nothing but a ruse... contrived by enemies of House Atreides to conceal far more sinister motives. Perhaps we could offer the appearance of a constitution. Something ceremonial. It doesn't need to be real. Deceit, after all, is a legitimate tool of statecraft. Bravo, sister-in-law. I couldn't have said it better. Yes, perhaps something at the local level. Something impotent, virtually meaningless. No! Atreides power must never be marginalized... by the chaos of democracy. - I'm sure my brother agrees. - Father. I'm waiting. You must decide. The first step. You can't wait. Along the Golden Path. The answer's standing right in front of you. But you must decide. Alia knows my mind. I forbid a constitution. Order in council this day, et cetera, et cetera. Irulan, are you taking this down? Yes, my lord. We will deliver the formal declaration when the Guild ambassador arrives... to present his credentials. Then... if there's nothing more... A Guild embassy, Muad'dib? On Arrakis? The Council of Naibs won't like this, Muad'dib. We remember well... how the Guild brought those who oppressed us... how they blackmailed us for spice... to keep our secrets from our enemies. Think I'd forgotten, Stil? This... decision troubles me, Muad'dib. There's something... reckless about it. Not reckless. Necessary. You'll know my reasons soon enough. No. I trust you'll convince the naibs... of the wisdom in this. A Guild ambassador, here on Arrakis. Muad'dib's decision strikes some as mysterious, even dangerous. But Muad'dib never does anything without reason. I should spill your water on the sand for what you've done. I know it was you, Irulan. You're the only one who could have hidden the poison. Don't lie! You will insult him if you lie. It is my right to bear the royal heir. It is your duty to play a role. Nothing more. - I am his wife! - You have his name. I am the one he calls "wife." Do you think you are the only woman who truly loves him? But I am the only woman he loves. I could cuckold him. Dare him to expose me. Cuckold him all you like... as long as you're discreet. He won't deny you. But no child, Irulan. Ever. So, what do you think, Tyekanik? Does my little prince have what it takes to lead a Sardukar army one day? There are many ways to lead an army, Princess. Being a warrior is only one of them. And not necessarily the best. Prince Farad'n. Your turn. Muad'dib's decision to accept a Guild ambassador... is causing much unrest on Arrakis. Good. Once the face dancer is insinuated into Muad'dib's palace... we shall light the fuse... and the Idaho ghola will do its work. Mom? Mommy? - What is this? - I'm sorry, Princess. The future emperor, crying? I don't want to be an emperor. Let someone else do it. Nonsense. Wipe your tears. Here. Getting all over me now. All right. Now, go back to your men. Go back. Go. Do you want the men to see you crying? Do you want them to think you're weak? I don't
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Д'Артаньян и три мушкетёра на английском - текст Хорнблауэр: Бунт на английском - текст Гран Торино на английском - текст Человек-Амфибия на английском - текст Они сражались за Родину на английском |