with adventurers, Muad'dib. Not to mention agents of the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit... and the former imperial family. Surely they conspire to something a little more elegant... than assassination on the streets of Arakeen. You are vulnerable, Muad'dib. No matter how powerful you have become... you cannot escape this simple fact. You're right about one thing, Stil. There is no escape. I'm not asleep. I thought the doctors said you were supposed to rest. As long as you insist on wandering the city like some off-world pilgrim... I will never be able to rest. Are you going to lecture me too? While I was walking, I stepped in a puddle. An open pool of water in the street. Muad'dib has brought many wonders to Arrakis, the people say. Muad'dib spends water like a madman. That's what they say, Chani. The old Fremen. I hear them... in the streets when I walk. We've become water-fat. They resent the wonders I've brought to their desert. They resent me. You know what I'd pay to end these wars? To separate myself from this... damnable myth I've become? What's to stop you? Command it, Muad'dib. After all, you are the emperor. Even if I vanished tomorrow, the revolution would follow my ghost. This is not a clean place. It's time to return to the desert. We were happy there. Father. I'm waiting and I'm ready. To know the future is to be trapped by it. But knowing there's a trap is the first step in evading it. It's the first step along the Golden Path. I'm the answer. I'm ready, Father. And I am ready, Father. The answer's standing right in front of you... in the Golden Path. Is there no other way? Everywhere we turn, his power confronts us. - He's a curse. - He's a messiah. You can't launch a frontal attack on a messiah. Even if you succeed, their martyrdom remains. But he is human, and because he is human... he has his weaknesses. So, what do you suggest, Princess? Something subtle. Something... unexpected. A ghost, perhaps. May I introduce our friend, Reverend Mother, Scytale of the Tleilaxu. Get to the point, Wencisia. I haven't traveled all the way to the edge of the universe... to discuss nonsense with a face dancer. You Bene Gesserit are desperate to regain control of Muad'dib's bloodline... and because you want to break his monopoly on spice. He who controls the spice controls the universe. As long as Muad'dib controls Arrakis... we are all at his mercy. And that's why I intend to destroy that domination... and return the imperial throne to the planet Kaitain... and the Corrino family, where it rightfully belongs. Face dancers, sex toys... musicians, technicians... Whatever the need... we have the breed. - Good gods! - Good chemistry is more like it. Duncan Idaho. Yes, the Atreides hero. Paul Muad'dib's most beloved friend and teacher. But Idaho is dead. Killed by your father's Sardukar. Even in defeat, my father's men did not abandon wisdom, Reverend Mother. A few precious pieces of Idaho's ruined flesh... hidden away, saved... awaiting just the right time, the right place. Perfect duplicate. Perfect ghola. A perfect gift for a lonely emperor. A time bomb waiting for the trigger to explode. - You intend to kill Muad'dib? - Exactly. But that will mean chaos. - Spice production will be disrupted. - Learn the lesson my father ignored. It's not who controls the spice... but who has the ability to disrupt the spice who controls the universe. But what makes you think... Muad'dib will ever accept this... ghost? I'm leaving it up to the Spacing Guild. And what of the trigger? The device to set the time bomb off? Leave that to me. Test after test, and still nothing. I'm healthy, strong. No matter what they do, the doctors can't find the reason... why I'm unable to conceive. What does Muad'dib say? Muad'dib is afraid. He fears for me
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