in me. Is that what you're struggling with? Yes. To know the future is to be trapped by it, Grandmother. My father knew it, but he couldn't escape it. I want more freedom than that. A universe of surprises. That is what I pray for. Is such a universe possible for someone like you? Possible? Yes. But is it desirable? I have a difficult decision to make, Grandmother. Do I accept the Atreides mystique? Dress myself in our myths? Live for my subjects and die for them... or do I chose another path? A Golden Path. One that may change me, change human destiny forever? I don't understand. No, I know you don't because you do not understand time. I can help you. On the contrary, Grandmother. It is I who will help you. We must work together. - We? - Otherwise we're vulnerable. - To what? - Oh, stop being coy. If you want to know how coy he is, try playing this game with him. This is not a game! Powerful forces are conspiring against us. Fremen rebels hate the way I'm cha... we are changing their planet. The damn Spacing Guild can't tolerate our monopoly on spice. They have no choice but to accept it, Alia. And now she is here. I want to know what she wants. No, Alia. What you want is for us to engage in the spice trance. Don't turn your backs on your heritage. Your father was the greatest man in history. He gave you such wonderful talents that could be put to such great use. - Why won't you use them? - You want us to see things you cannot. I need you to help me see. To see the future. Other lives hover in the enigma of our consciousness, Alia. Shared lives. It's the curse of all pre-born. They are the real danger. Not the rebels, not the Guild, not our grandmother. You should understand that better than most. One day... each of you... will come face to face with the horror of your own existence. One day you will cry out for help. One day each of you will find yourself... alone. What if she's right? Check. Alia, come back. Alia! Stop it. Alia, listen to me. No. Listen to me, Alia! All of you, out! Do as I say! Leave her alone! Get out of here! Leave her to me! So, Granddaughter... you finally meet a spiritual gom jabbar. We've learned much these past few days. It was meant to look like rebel Fremen. Tribes harboring resentment towards the Atreides and changes to Arrakis. - But I don't believe it. - Why? During interrogation, the ones we captured... cried out the name Jacarutu and then... died. - You tortured them? - Post-hypnotic suicide compulsion. The sound of the word alone simply stopped their hearts. Leto and I heard rumors of Jacarutu Sietch when we first came here. We could never find out whether the place actually existed. The name Jacarutu is a synonym for evil, Jessica. The Edwali tribe came from there. They were water stealers. The most heinous criminals under Fremen law. The first and greatest sin. But the Fremen tribes banded together to declare war on the Jacarutu. The Edwali were slaughtered. Their water spread upon the sands. Jacarutu Sietch was declared taboo. No Fremen was allowed to look for it. But legend persists that not all the Edwali were wiped out... that some escaped to become known as the Cast Out. And you believe that these Cast Out... might be responsible for what happened the other day? The possibility makes my blood run cold. If the Cast Out exist, they would camouflage themselves as something else. We would not permit them to live if we knew. Gurney, contact your old smuggler allies, the ones in the deep desert. See what they know about Jacarutu... and the Cast Out. If such a people still exist, they could be our greatest threat. I had full consciousness long before birth. Knowledge of all the lives that came before. The genetic rivers flowing in my veins. Reverend Mothers.
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Семейное дело на английском - текст Аэроплан II: Продолжение на английском - текст Солярис на английском - текст Терминатор на английском - текст Алиса в Стране Чудес на английском |