desert. Anyone who wants is to be fitted with Tleilaxu eyes. Not eyes, yet he sees. He has sight without eyes. You knew this would happen. It had to be. Why? Why? For our son. How long have you known? I have always known. It was just a matter of when. Forgive me, Chani. There was no way I could spare us this. I waited as long as I could. We will return to our desert, my love. To the sietch where our son will be born. I'm afraid, Muad'dib. I suddenly feel like we have so little time. We have eternity. You have eternity. I have only now. So you are Bijaz. Would I were Bijou and not Bijaz. A jewel is prettier than a horse's ass. You're a mockery then. A trick of nature meant to confuse and annoy. Annoy, yes. Confuse, no. Is wind a trick? Then you are the wind. No, I am words in the wind. Words that are names. Names that are death. He knows. - What does he mean? - What I mean is what I say. And what I say is what I mean. Time for accounting, unless you come just to mocker me. My brother says you know the names of the traitors. Poor Muad'dib. Poor Bijaz. Betrayed and betrayer together at last You will give me the names of those who would betray us. Very well, then. Let's start with your priests. He has another agenda. How do you know? I sense it. Senses are dangerous. They can be fooled. Only a machine functions without senses. Are you a machine, ghola? I'm a mentat. I trust only logic and statistics. Not mysticism and prophesy. My brother had a mentat teacher who talked like that. Hawat. You remember. - You did that on purpose. - You remember. I feel. There is a difference. Is there? It frightens you, doesn't it? The memory. You're afraid you'll remember who you were. No ghola has ever been restored to his former being, child. I'm no child. I awakened to consciousness in my mother's womb. I have memories of many women alive inside of me. I know what they knew. I feel what they felt. But I can handle it. Can you? Palace Fedaykin are everywhere. By the time Alia is through, a common pickpocket won't be safe. The fools even had a stoneburner and they couldn't succeed. Our spies have no idea who was responsible. It could have been Fremen rebels from the deep desert. It could have been an element within the Quizrate itself. We may never know. - What about Scytale? - He maintains his masquerade. - And the dwarf? - Confined to the keep. Who knows where. Then our plan is still in place. He's alive. Gurney, tell me he's alive. He is alive. But he's blind. It was a stoneburner. Stilgar suspects Fremen. Alia? Chani? All safe. Blind. Blind. There are rumors that Paul can still see despite his blindness. Vision-sight. They say it's a miracle. -Another brick for the myth of Muad'dib. -My lady? Arrange with the Guild ambassador immediate transport to Arrakis. I don't think that would be wise. It was only a matter of time before this happened. It might not be long before it happens again. And you would not want to encourage it. Ah, forgive me, my lady. But those who would rid themselves of Muad'dib would only be more provoked... by the arrival of his mother. If Paul needed you, he would surely send for you. We go forward. We come back. We go forward. We come back. Don't be afraid, Father. The answer's right in front of you. - The Golden Path. - But you must decide. It's the only way. What troubles you, my lord? The future. You're drunk on too much time. I'm drunk on too much me. Do you know how many people have died since I became emperor? Even your empire must live its time... and then die. That's why you're here, isn't it? Is that what you've seen? In your visions? It's obvious to anyone who can see. It's what the Tleilaxu have written upon you-- to kill me. What is it, Stil? I have just received word from Salusa Sucundus. Shaddam is dead. It was very generous of Muad'dib to permit his wife...
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