know my reasons soon enough. No. I trust you'll convince the naibs... of the wisdom in this. A Guild ambassador, here onArrakis. Muad'dib's decision strikes some as mysterious, even dangerous. But Muad'dib never does anything without reason. I should spill your water on the sand for what you've done. I know it was you, Irulan. You're the only one who could have hidden the poison. Don't lie! You will insult him if you lie. It is my right to bear the royal heir. It is your duty to play a role. Nothing more. - I am his wife! - You have his name. I am the one he calls ''wife.'' Do you think you are the only woman who truly loves him? But I am the only woman he loves. I could cuckold him. Dare him to expose me. Cuckold him all you like... as long as you're discreet. He won't deny you. But no child, Irulan. Ever. So, what do you think, Tyekanik? Does my little prince have what it takes to lead a Sardukar army one day? There are many ways to lead an army, Princess. Being a warrior is only one of them. And not necessarily the best. Prince Farad'n. Your turn. Muad'dib's decision to accept a Guild ambassador... is causing much unrest on Arrakis. Good. Once the face dancer is insinuated into Muad'dib's palace... we shall light the fuse... and the Idaho ghola will do its work. Mom? Mommy? - What is this? - I'm sorry, Princess. The future emperor, crying? I don't want to be an emperor. Let someone else do it. Nonsense. Wipe your tears. Here. Getting all over me now. All right. Now, go back to your men. Go back. Go. Do you want the men to see you crying? Do you want them to think you're weak? I don't care. Well, I do. So now you will go back... and this time... you will do it properly. Won't you? Commander Farok, hero of the Naraj campaign. I bring you greetings from your new friends on Salusa Secundus. Hurry. The eyes of Muad'dib are everywhere. These are seats once occupied in sietch by Muad'dib... during the days when he taught us the weirding way. It is some time since you've seen him. I think he's forgotten I ever existed. He's blind. Your son. At the Battle of Naraj. I wonder if Muad'dib knows... how many have been maimed in his name. I couldn't leave him to the desert. Even I violated the old laws. The laws of men have gone. The laws of a god have replaced them. We were a noble people once. We had a proper sietch. I owned a chrysknife. My own share of spice. I was a rider of worms. And then Muad'dib came... with his witch mother. And he promised to fulfill Liet's prophesy. And we followed. - You joined his jihad? - Do you know why? I heard there was a thing called a sea. Men came back from Muad'dib's wars, and they said they had seen it. And did you find your sea? It healed me of jihad. Now I'm ready to help rid the universe... of the cancer that is Muad'dib! And that is Othyem's daughter? Lichna. If you bring her to Muad'dib... he will never refuse to see her. I was hoping that's what you'd say. Lichna. I will enjoy being called Lichna. What is the meaning of this? Helen Gaius Mohiam of the Bene Gesserit... you have violated Muad'dib's eternal order... never to set foot on Arrakis again. I am not on Arrakis. I am in free space. There is no such thing as free space where Muad'dib rules. I abase myself before the emperor. We welcome you to our court, Edric of the Spacing Guild... and to a new understanding between us. Please allow me the honor of presenting His Majesty... with a small token of our esteem. According to our investigators, this one was killed here on Arrakis... the body recovered after the unfortunate conflict... between Houses Atreides and Harkonnen. Terrible wounds required many months of regrowth by Tleilaxu technicians. We acquired him as a gift befitting an emperor. What is your name, ghola? They say it was Duncan Idaho. Idaho is dead! This thing... is a horror! Send him
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