now. He is right, Muad' dib. It is not safe for you to be here. These are troubled times, old friend. It was better when we were alone in the desert. With only Harkonnen as enemies. There is a thin line between enemy and friend. Where that line stops there's no beginning and no end. Bygones be bygones. Let them fall where they may. This has been a dirty day. The wind speaks of demons. That is not the wind. Stone Burner! Don't look at it, m'Lord. You can't look at it, milord. It was in the old quarters. Stone burner for sure... What about Muad'dib? We are just entering the area now. M'LORD, IS THAT YOU? Here! I'm over here! Take this one and get him to the Keep immediately. Your eyes... -Do it, Fedaykin! Do it NOW! This way. M'Lord, your eyes! My eyes are gone, Stil. Muad'Dib, my god! Muad'Dib. - Calm, Stil. They blinded my body, but not my vision. The man need your help, Fedaykin! Here and here! The law, Muad'Dib! We live by Atreides law now, Stil. None of these men are to be taken out into the desert. Any one who wants, is to be fitted with Tleilaxu wise. He has sight! Without eyes! You knew this would happen. It had to be. Why? Why? For our son. How long have you known? I have always known. It was just a matter of when. Forgive me, Chani. There was no way I could spare us this. I waited as long as I could... We're going back to our desert, my love. To the sietch where our son will be born. I'm afraid, Muad'dib. I suddenly feel like we have so little time. We have eternity. You have eternity. I have only now. So you are Bijaz. Would I were bijou and not Bijaz. A jewel is prettier than a horse's ass. You're a mockery, then. A trick of nature. Meant to confuse and annoy. Annoy yes. Confuse no. Is wind a trick? Then you are the wind? No, I am words in the wind. Words that are names. Names that are death. He knows. What does he mean? What I mean is what I say. And what I say is what I mean. Time for accounting. Unless you came just to mocker me. My brother says you know the names of the traitors. Poor Muad'dib. Poor Bijaz. Betrayed and betrayer. Together at last. You will give me the names of those who will betray us. Very well then, lets start with your priests. He has another agenda. How do you know? I sense it. Senses are dangerous. They can be fooled. Only a machine functions without senses. Are you a machine, ghola? I am a Mentat. I trust logic and statistics... ...not mysticism and prophecy. My brother had a Mentat teacher who talked like that... Hawat. - You remember! You did that on purpose. You remember! No. I feel. There is a difference. Is there? It frightens you, doesn't it? The memory. You're afraid you'll remember who you were. No ghola has ever been restored to his former being, child. I am no child! I awakened to consciousness in my mother's womb. I have memories of many women alive inside of me. I know what they knew. I feel what they felt. But I can handle them. Can you? Palace Fedaykin are everywhere... By the time Alia is through, a common pickpocket won't be safe. Fools even had a stone burner and couldn't succeed. Our spies have no idea who was responsible. It could have been Fremen rebels from the deep desert, it could have been an element within the Qizarate itself. We may never know. What about Scytale? He maintains his masquerade. And the dwarf? Confined to the Keep. None knows where. Then our plan is still in tact. Caladan. Ancentral Home of House AtreidesTwelve years of war. Twelve years since Emperor Shaddam the Fourth was defeated... and Paul Muad'dib's wild Fremen spread out across the universe... exterminating all that remained of the old imperial armies... colonizing the planets of the known universe... one by one under his rule... sweeping away anything... and anyone who resisted. Millions have been defeated. Millions more have been
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