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Главная / День полнолуния

День полнолуния

1   2   3  
are you?
- Ten and eight.
- What'll it be?
- Pantsa.
- For whom?
- Me.
- What's your name?
- Pushkin.
- Where are you heading?
- Caucasus. To fight the Turks.
- Will you be killed?
- No, not in the war...
- What's that?
- Kalmyk tea.
Give me a kiss.
Why not?
No man will marry me.
Alexander Sergeyevich,
the horses are ready.
Goodbye, my sweetheart.
- When's your train leaving?
- 9:00 pm
How about a lunch out?
What do you say?
You smoke too much.
- Get me something else.
- Like what?
Well, er...
Ice cream.
- One ice cream.
- In a minute.
Get the ice cream.
Your ice cream.
- Hi. We're from TV. Can I ask you
a question? - Sure.
You have lived a long life.
There must be something
you like to think of.
Some event, person or accident.
In 1948 I worked as a waiter
at Sovetski restaurant.
One customer ordered an ice cream.
The buffet girl was counting money.
So I went to the window...
and saw a woman walking out
of the restuarant
She was wearing a violet dress
and very beautiful.
I didn't notice her
in the restaurant.
- What happened then?
- Nothing.
She lingered a while and left.
I went back to work.
I never saw her again.
Thank you very much.
День полнолуния

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