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Главная / Daenseo-ui sunjeong

Daenseo-ui sunjeong

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and nothing more.
What couId I do,
but get rid of her?
You bastard...
The new girI Iooks pretty good.
You Iisten, bastard.
I wonґt Iet you beat me again.
You know what happens if they find out
sheґs iIIegaIIy here on a fake marriage?
I can have her deported back to China...
- You bastard!
- Stop it Young-sae!
What is JANG, Chae-ryn to you, man?
She was just paid to come here.
I can seII her for money too.
What the heII?
Is this what you meant
by starting over?
How can you seII me out
Iike this?
Iґm sorry.
But if it was you...
if itґs someone you trained. I thought
he wouId go for it right away.
Fuck off!
Fuck aII of it!
Once was enough.
I canґt Iet it happen again. No!
I wonґt!
Mr. Ma, weґII have to make sure
this is settIed.
Yes, sir.
She wonґt budge.
Yes, I got it sir.
If something shouId happen to Mr. Na.
YouґII be the one to bIame.
Got that?
This is fun.
You bastards!
The fuck with the temper!
What the fuck.
What are you?
Your fake marriage.
What wiII the poIice do
when they find out?
Iґm not sure.
But youґII probabIy go to jaiI.
And our teacher doesnґt Iike
to be bothered.
So Ietґs just end it with this.
Donґt hoId her back
with your bad Ieg.
Go to the hospitaI
with that money. Letґs go.
You bastards!
You bastard!
Sir!, Sir!
Donґt come near me.
Sir, whatґs wrong?
What is going on?
Why are you Iike this?
Sir. Sir...
Itґs me.
Take Chae-ryn away.
What did you just say?
Donґt Iie to me, sir.
You toId me youґII dance with me.
You said that
I was your onIy partner.
Are you a fooI?
Why do you think I dance?
You toId me to Iove onIy you
whiIe I dance.
Why are you teIIing me to dance
with someone eIse now?
Stop being so naive.
Sir, I donґt care what happens to me.
Itґs okay if I get deported
back to China.
I donґt care
if I donґt make any money.
Is it because of your Ieg?
IґII wait untiI your Ieg gets aII better.
I wiII wait here no matter what.
So, pIease donґt teII me to go.
Donґt you get it?
Iґm tired of you.
I hate you.
I hate you Iaughing.
And I hate you whining Iike a kid.
So take everything
you have and go!
What are you doing?
FirefIies? BuIIshit!
I donґt beIieve in this shit!
And that! Wedding pictures?
Stop it sir!
What wedding!
The fuck!
Why are you doing this?
Donґt you get it?
Iґm a crippIe now!
I donґt need this anymore!
So get the heII out!
Get Iost!
No, donґt go in there.
IґII go. I promise IґII go.
IґII go now.
So pIease donґt rip this.
You have to wear it
when you dance.
Wear it when you dance, pIease.
Just go.
Even if I Ieave Iike this,
You wonґt hate me, wiII you?
PIease donґt hate me.
Donґt hate me...
Whatґs wrong?
You donґt Iike the dance fIoor?
Do you want me to send you
back to China?
Next, Samba!
Can I ask you something?
What does my IittIe Chae-ryn
want to know?
Have you ever danced
with someone you Ioved?
Love each other at Ieast
when you dance?
OnIy third rate dancers wouId
say that. Did he teII you that?
Koreaґs best dance trainer said that?
Look Chae-ryn, you must never forget,
weґre pros.
Pros donґt dance
with personaI feeIings Iike that.
You must erase NA, Young-sae
from your head.
That wouId be better for you.
Now that we know
theyґre not a reaI coupIe,
shaII we process the papers?
Eun-hae? You had
the pictures deveIoped right?
Choose a few for cIear evidence.
Ms. CHOI, Eun-hae?
WeII, sir...
Look at his face.
Even though
it was a fake marriage,
It is obvious that the two
reaIIy Ioved each other.
Happy birthday
JANG, Chae-ryn.
Why the Iong face on a day Iike this?
Howґs this? Itґs your dress
to wear at the competitions.
This was dispIayed at the Bon Marche
Department Store in France.
Do you Iike it?
And this is
your birthday present!
If you wear this
at the competitions,
itґII cause quite a visuaI sensation.
Daenseo-ui sunjeong Daenseo-ui sunjeong

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