partner used to wear that. So what? Didnґt she dump him for someone eIse? Thatґs not it, you stupid. Young-sae used to be the best dance trainer in Korea. He combined the Grand AIIegro from baIIet into the Samba. When he trained Se-young and went to the competitions, they caused a big stir. They showed something that no one ever attempted before. But his rivaI JUNG, Hyun-soo had his eye on Se-young. She feII for Hyun-sooґs future as the son of the dance association president. And at the nationaI competitions, She Ieft Young-sae and danced as Hyun-sooґs partner. The fooI that he is... Young-sae honestIy hoped for Se-young to be successfuI. But when she Iost vaIue as a partner, Hyung-soo dropped her. She couIdnґt show her true dancing skiIIs without Young-sae. She Ieft a note of apoIogy and disappeared. Iґm sorry, mista. I had no idea... Turn the music off! I said, turn it off! Ji-won. You think this is some cheap cabaret? Your bodyґs Iimp! You caII that dancing? Thereґs not much time Ieft ґtiII the competitions! Listen to me when Iґm taIking to you. If you keep at this, IґII make sure no one goes to the competition. WeII, who do we have here? Mr. Ma, itґs been awhiIe. ChuI-yong. What? Okay. Why do you dance? To settIe debts? Youґre dancing to pay that off? Whatґs the music for? If itґs on, you shouId move with the rhythm. You think youґre dancing aIone? You have no emotions! Drop it if youґre gonna be Iike this. Mista. I havenґt danced with such emotions before. I just danced trusting your Iead. I breathed where you toId me to breathe. And stopped where you toId me to stop. I know Iґm not good enough. So I practiced hard everyday to be as good as you. The rhythm that you taIk about, I donґt know what that is. Canґt you just teach me, mista? You can do everything weII. So canґt you just teach me? Do you Iove me? You Iove me? PeopIe who arenґt in Iove donґt entrust each other with their hearts. There is no trust so they donґt entrust each other with their bodies, too. You reaIIy want to dance? I donґt care if itґs a Iie. When youґre dancing, Iove me. I wiII Iove you too. The rest... up to here. And... ...feeI the rhythm inside me. Hon, do you Iove me, too? Mista? I have a request. What is it? CouId you teach me the new technique, too? Havenґt seen you in awhiIe. Iґve been busy, I see. Hurry up wiII ya? You goinґ on a picnic? Whoґs the girI? My wife. Your wife? You totaIIy robbed the cradIe, man! Sheґs cute. Iґve seen that woman before somewhere. Now, here comes the bride! Ta-da! Wow! Who is this? Is it reaIIy you? Itґs okay. Sit cIoser! - Good. - Okay, man HoId hands! Thatґs good. So pretty. Bro! Youґre such a Iucky punk! Yeah, I guess. Hey, did you just caII me punk? Can the bride Iook this way pIease? Ready? One, two, three. Arenґt you gonna practice? Idiot. You just caIIed me something, right? No, I said youґre reaIIy handsome. Oh, reaIIy. But mista? How did we meet? What? How did we meet at first? WeII, what shouId we say? Chae-min was here two years ago. She came as a tour guide. ReaIIy? now, Weґre going to the bus now. PIease pay attention and foIIow me. Yes. Are you JANG, Chae-min from Yunbyun? Yes, thatґs me. Hop on. Iґm the one who came for you. The nameґs NA, Young-sae. You mean I was a tour bus driver 2 years ago? Just say that it was a part-time job. WeII okay, then what? After that? The two guide the tours together. What you see is Suwon fortress. This fortress... - Looks great. - Yeah. Youґre aII Iooking at Wanna try kicking the baII around? you wanna? No, sirs! Stop! IґII be damned! Donґt worry miss. Mister. This is the Korean FoIk ViIIage. Many Korean ancestors... No, sirs! Stop it pIease! After that, they caII each other... And emaiI back And forth. Yes, hundreds of Ietters. My beIoved Chae-min, I just heard your voice over the phone. But I ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Маппеты из космоса на английском - текст Осенний марафон на английском - текст Калина красная на английском - текст Банкет на английском - текст Комиссар на английском |