this? No, but i hope to go through this. I mean visa versa, do you understand? I understand you. I'm Larisa, widow of Pyotr AIexeyevich. I'm VIadisIav, widower of Zinaida Petrovna. ShaII we go for a waIk, Larisa? To have a view of the IocaI sights and, to pour our grief to each other, as far as it's possibIe. Sure. To pour out it, as far as it's possibIe. Such remarkabIe crypts are here. They're dated back to the past century, and made of cast iron. I adore cast iron, i adore crypts. It's time, bayonet as having a view of the sights of the graveyard of the city of ''x'', Bomb was trying to tame the IocaI cemetery dogs. Dogs! I teII you straight off: i'm not gonna gobbIe dogs. I Iike Iiving dogs. As you Iike it. NevertheIess, cunning creatures were not rushing to get into the trap. Where's bayonet? Sure, he's guzzIed everything himseIf. So insatiabIe you are, reefer. One can take enough breath onIy in the wind. The day fIew by insensibIy. We had a quick snack, making use of the foodstuffs brought by bayonet from the graveyard. PositiveIy, there are advantages in the army. It's hardIy possibIe to be after a soIdier, so, it resuIts in the sincerity of reIations. And besides, there is order. The main thing in the army is not to Iose the chance. I'm going to sIeep. I was dreaming about brothers AIiev when sIeeping. See you, fucking frogmen. - Gosh, nearIy escaped. - Yeah, quite. You can't sIeep, can you, comrade demobbing? I'II have enough time for this in the worId beyond. I'm musing on Iife, its sense. See, how he's pining. Who? BIack demobbing. Comrade quartermaster, what is bIack demobbing? Oh! It's a very oId story. In an artiIIery unit not far from Kiev, there was a demobbing guy. It Ieft just three days and three nights for him to serve in the army. The demobbing was in Iove with nurse OIesya from the nearby farm. They were going to get married. Yet, there was a warrant officer in the same unit. He was a rare skunk. He aIso took notice of OIesya. One night... The demobbing was sent out in a coffin home - with his head sewn to his body. They wrote he had died for the motherIand, feII down from the tree on an axe. Two years passed since then, OIesya cried out aII her tears... ...and was going to marry the warrant-murderer. SuddenIy - a knock at the door, a hooded man comes in carrying a dish with a cover. ''Who're you?'' - yeIIed the warrant out to the stranger. The head on the dish opened its eyes and screamed. ''Fuck you, I am a bIack demobbing''. Then Iighting went out and when they turned it on... ... everybody was Iying dead in that house. Since that day, the bIack demobbing is wandering over the worId Iooking for a new bride. And his bIack souI stiII can't find quite. Yeah! Too bad. Such is the army drama: Shakespeare and the nephews. Everything evoIves according to the oId pIot-Iine: ... and Iife, and tears, and Iove - god, bIess me! And something about Iove. After the bayonet triumphaI appearance at the cemetery, the femaIe haIf of the town of ''x'' - of course, its widow haIf - gathered in the town Iibrary around the widow of Pyotr AIexeyevich. Nobody knows what she was teIIing them, but in doing so, the pink-cheeked widow was roaring with Iaughter and making different tricky gestures Iike a fisherman teIIing about the pike he has caught the night before. And then there was saturday. There was a dreadfuI spirit of festivaI in the air. Oh my god! Whom is father-chief's going to torment? I'II confess about everything. Then he'II shoot you down on the spot and send you back with a diagnosis ''sudden death of dysentery''. We'II better Iaunch you to rustIe about the bushes, Iike a boar. WiII he be shooting? CertainIy! However, sometimes he misses, but not often. What a bright idea. I don't Iike it, you know... ... normaIIy, witnesses are kiIIed. ShaII i go to the farm and try and take ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чем суровей они с нами обращаются на английском - текст Интервенция на английском - текст Коммандо на английском - текст Машенька на английском - текст Белое солнце пустыни на английском |