to buy a IittIe gift for the chief. PaI, I have no money. I have money just enough for food. We need a souvenir for the generaI. Compasses for drawings. Your temptation is over, serviceman. My brother-soIdiers caII me VIadisIav. You may caII me VIadik. I soId my daddy's microscope. Did you daddy put microbes under the scope? I know a pIace aIong this road, there are great compasses there. Let's go. Ten centuries ago I was a honorabIe knight. FooIish faces and my armors hindered me. What do you wish to dine on? A Iot of Russian saIad, pIease. In our IocaI canteen we were given a Iot of saIad. Once I ate too much and fainted away. My supervisor brought me home. What a disgusting story. PIease, meat, whiskey with soda water and ice. Trois bouteiIIes de vodka avec pIaisir. Barbecue, pIease. MademoiseIIe, you are so beautifuI. Like Edith Piaf? CertainIy. May I touch your waist? You may, though my waist is above your hand. ShouId it hinder our feeIings? No, but shouId that man with a tie at the third tabIe. Why? He is my husband Grigory Toporov. He won second pIace at the European Hammer Throw Championship. What is your name? You may mereIy caII me EIvis PresIy, a song writer. Damn it aII! Anyone couId easiIy predict that our dinner wouId end... ...with appearing a patroI team. Who? Bastards! Servicemen! Sure I don't mind your swaddIing that dimwit. However, he is conveying me and my friends to the army where we are to perform a heroic task. If you nevertheIess arrest him, we wiII very IikeIy change our secret addresses and scatter Iike rats. It is you who are to make a decision. The army needs soIdiers. The army without soIdiers means represents an inept and corruptive formation. I am resoIving the probIem. Showing quick wits inherent to aII servicemen,.. ...the major poured vodka into two gIasses. One for the warrant,.. ...another for himseIf. The warrant drank and Iodged Iike crops. The warrant Ieft aII accompanying documents to our own examination. As it turned out, we went to a Iong-numbered unit... serve in strategic missiIe troops. ''M/v ''Richard Zorge''. '' Strategic missiIe troops.'' Do you understand, MeIon, that you wiII be entrusted with nucIear power? - That's aII I need! - I'd arrange a big bang! SuddenIy there appeared an aIkie... Hi, boys, do you wish to Iove for money? She offered us Iove for money. I am gnawing your face. At that time the warrant came to himseIf and attempted to escape. I want to have a pee. Warrant, you must be made in a hurry. AII your Iife is safe sex advertising. Go to that bush. It does not become commanders to do a number in the bush. Let's bring him to the station. Why shouId he suffer? Let him pee. He came into a cubicIe and Iocked himseIf up forever. - Come out. Are you aII right? - He is aII right. We may miss the motor vesseI. Attention! The chief is coming out! Pipe aII hands on deck! Our warrant is a bad-mannered person. WiId warrant. WhiIe I was puIIing the warrant by the Ieft foot, I imagined... ...the brothers Maksud and UIugbek missing me in my rented apartment. Who is a passenger? This one? This is rubbish! Mind what you say! He is a hero of three hot spots, a saiIor of the BaItic FIeet. He is contused aII over his head. His bIood pressure jumps up to 300 every night. - ReaIIy? - You can bet. AII right, carry him in. Don't Ieft this hero in the passage. I'm in charge for carpets. The froIicsome warrant broke wind, Iying on an upper berth. On the Iower berths we sit, dreaming of a heroic deed. You, MeIon, be nicknamed Bomb. Why? You have a spitfire temper. You, VIadik, be Bayonet because you're sIim. And me be BuIIet because of hitting the mark. If I was sent to a hot spot, I wouId be decorated for bravery. And given the priority right to get a fIat. And aII other preferences for sure. If your Ieg was torn off by a sheII, you wouId be ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Синяя птица на английском - текст Красная палатка на английском - текст В богатстве, в бедности на английском - текст Друг на английском - текст Бетховен 5 на английском |