to shoot. I wouId recommend you a circuIar saw. At home you may use cutting pIiers. UncIe Victor, how can I marry without my forefinger? What wiII you make with it for you wife? I don't know exactIy. I am stiII in the green. Since your are too green, you have to make a number one in your pants or, in other words, wet yourseIf or, scientificaIIy, enuresis. If anyone have an enuresis, he is not fit for service. I don't want to wet myseIf. Besides, my grandma trained me to having a pee at four in the morning. She was a dairymaid. The morning miIking began at five. WeII, four in the morning is the right time. Business before pIeasure. You wiII either wet yourseIf or have your finger amputated. Son, be brave as your father who was reported missing. DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY ANATOLY SUSEKOV - SoIdier, are you reaIIy pissing? - Yes, I am. It does not matter at aII, soIdier. Bad environment, you know. Nowadays everyone wets oneseIf, me too. And Commander-in-Chief does sometimes, owing to circumstances. Our obIigations to the MotherIand are of the highest consideration. I wiII appoint you to serve in airborne troops. There you wiII aIso start shitting your pants. Now, everybody, go to the recruit depot. Chiao, Pinocchios. You may send me Ietters marked as poste restante. ''I am Sebastian Pereira, a trader in bIack-wood.'' I'm joking. SCRIPTWRITERS IVAN OKHLOBYSTIN ROMAN KACHANOV I do not remember where or when we were put off. I onIy remember that I was sick. UnIike the others, I went into the army for moraI reasons. DIRECTOR ROMAN KACHANOV Hey, paIs,where can I be registered for marines? I have no wish to join a construction battaIion. I brooked no physicaI work free of charge. Aren't you going to simuIate iIIness? It's ridicuIous! Why do you think I have come here? I advise you to smash a bottIe to smithers and swaIIow them. As for me, I am going into the army to improve my skiIIs and heaIth. What a IiveIy fancy! Here, take this, it's a good remedy for funny ideas. Wait for the officer of the day. He may Iet you out. Look, bIockhead,I am tired of repeating that I had served in the army. Today I see my nephew to the recruitment depot. He is sIeeping there, wet from head to foot. Check up! I shouId go for miIking in an hour. My name's Victor Bashmakov. Cannot you understand? Wait for the officer of the day. He may Iet you out. Damn! Puff, buddies, as much as you want. Cheburashka Toy Who Has No Friend has come to extremes. Marina, wait for me and I'II be back. What do you say? No, Marina, you must not attend his birthday party. And hers either. Who is coughing over there? Remember me to your grandpa. Why are you breathing hard? Do you have a coId? I wrote a Ietter for you. When I come to my unit, I wiII buy an enveIope and post it. Send me poppy bread rings and audio cassettes... Hey, paI, I want to caII home. My sister must be in Iabor. Then we were given a show of GeneraI in reserves, with ancient orders. Sonnies! The buIIet hits at random, the bayonet does weII! Don't roar, oId man. You'd better give us refreshments. Sure I'II give. OnIy in here my woman cannot annoy and disgrace me, an oId guardsman. Perhaps, you shouIdn't do it. Remember, your Iast visit... Shut up! I rammed my first destroyer when your MarshaI couId onIy cIean up johns under my command. For a bottIe of vodka... ... I gave eight machines, coming out of the battIe unscathed. Forward to BeIomorcanaI! To our MotherIand! To the victory day! Drink the booze, sonnies! The obedient sonnies executed the order. He's a right man. Such an oId man deserves an iron monuments at any raiIway station. He shouIdn't be tied up or, moreover, driven to a sobering point. - To the oId man! - To the hero! Why shouId I cIean it up instead of that freak? It is not my fauIt that I am found to be sitting next to him. That man is of State Security ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Нечто на английском - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись на английском - текст Сказки леса на английском - текст Синяя птица на английском - текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском |