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's my job, understand?
-Did Dad bring this shell from Java?
-I brought this shell.
You didn't let me finish.
What was I talking about?
About my job.
No, I was talking about Stepan.
You completely forgot that you have a son.
You bring him these idiotic stones,
you see him once a year
He's going through changes; He has to go
to space, but he's rude to his teachers.
I went through those changes a long time ago.
-You simply didn't notice it, Grandma.
-Did you hear that?
Yes, yes, yes.
She'll live here at Tanya's.
A technician will be here tonight.
And he'll install a forcefield on the window.
You see Sergei? You're turning our house
into a test site.
Excuse me, but I have to take some
elementary safety measures.
You're afraid of her.
She may get scared. She' very lonely.
If we don't become close with her,
she may die.
You see, Sergei,
In the end you'll leave for your next expedition
and I'll have to take care of everything myself.
Like that time when you brought that predator
the one that was sneezing all the time.
-What was its name?
-Legocephal Son'ka.
And I had to treat cuts on Stepan's hands.
Mother, you're a doctor.  Moreover, you're
a gynecologist.  You've always dealt with kids.
With human kids.
This is Nadezhda.
Peace to you home! Everybody have a good day!
-Hello! Can I have a ride?
-Go ahead.
Hello, Sergei.
Hello, Maria Pavlovna.
I read your latest article-
it's very fascinating.
Thank you.  How are you?
-Any complaints about you?
-No, I'm trying not to let you down.
Thank you, it's very important to me.
My new hobby; Collecting autographs.
Can I have one, please?
You're not consistent.
-Are you here on business?
-Of course. -Please.
Oh, there she is.
I wouldn't leave her without supervision,
if I were you.
Where are you going to keep her?
Keep?  She'll live in Tanya's room
until Tanya gets back.
-Upstairs on the right.
-What are you gonna look at up there?
Maria Pavlovna, the Contacts Council charged me
with keeping biocontrol of this creature.
Trust me, it's not just curiosity.
Nadezda's right. It was a Council decision.
Don't be angry with Mother.  She was waiting
for me, and here came this girl...
And then me.
Is it so hard to forgive
what happened 20 years ago.
-That wall is new?
-How did you guess?
-I remember everything.
Is it a concrete wall? -No.
These days it's plastosteel.
It will have to be removed.
What do you mean "removed"?
It will interfere with biocontrol.
-It will have to be removed.
-Very well.
Sergei, I'm protesting.
Mother, it's necessary.
You're a scientist yourself.
No, now I'm not a scientist.
Now I'm the keeper of this house.
We'll replace it in a half an hour.
You won't even notice.
It's not a problem of time,
It's not even a problem of the wall
The problem is, Nadezhda,
that you've never had children.
What does this have to do with anything else?
It's cruel to mention it, especially by you.
My life's function is not connected
with maternity, is it?
-Sergei, they'll bring a new wall
in a half an hour. -OK
So, in this house I'm not heard anymore.
Then I'm leaving. Glasha!
-Mother, it's chilly outside.
- I'm upset with you.
How are you?
-Everything's OK? - We're OK.
-I'm sorry I couldn't meet you.
-I know you had an emergency.
We spent almost three days underwater.
I thought I'd grow gills.
-You lost some weight. - You too.
-I heard the girl will live with us? -Yes
OK, you know what you're doing.
-Thanks. -What's the score? -Glasha is
merciless. -As always.
Where is she?
I don't know.
Nadezhda, where is she?
She's in a closet wearing a spacesuit.
Nadya, why didn't you say it earlier?
It would interfere with the experiment.
What's wrong?
You broke dishes...
Come out.
Listen, are you a human being or not?
Okay guys it's time for breakfast.
And I have to go to the clinic soon.
She can teleport.
Try to catch her yourself.
Catch her? She's not a
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