here! He's here! - Here he comes. - Stand where you are. - What is it? - Something smacked my face. (Griffin laughs) Naughty boy. (laughs) Ow! Let go! - What's the matter with you? - He twisted my nose. Now, steady, boys. We've got him all right this time. (Griffin) Good shot. (Griffin laughs) Get that hat. Now then, boys, advance slowly. It's all right. He's unarmed. We've got him easy. Help! Help! He's got me by the feet! Here he is! Help! (shouting) It's the invisible man! He's got him by the feet! After him! Quick! What do you know about that? (woman screams) Help! Murder! Murder! [Music:] Here we go gathering nuts in May, nuts in May, nuts in May [Music:] Here we go gathering nuts in May on a cold and frosty morning Whoops! He threatened to kill me at ten o'clock tonight. You must lock me up. You're not the only one in danger, Dr Kemp. I'll see that you have protection. Now, Dr Cranley, you're concealing something from me. One moment. Why were you and your daughter in this house at two o'clock this morning? Dr Kemp called me up. He told me the man was here. - He wanted my help. - Why did he ring you before the police? - Why did your daughter come too? - She came to drive the car. You know who the invisible man is, Doctor. I understand you have another assistant besides Dr Kemp, a Dr Griffin. - Where is Dr Griffin? - He's gone away. It is Griffin! What's the good of concealing it? It's Griffin, and he's threatened to murder me. He may be here now, in the garden looking through the window, or in the corner of my bedroom waiting for me, waiting to kill me! And you all sit there doing nothing! Nothing! We've doubled the search party around Kemp's house. Nothing to report, sir. The policeman's trousers were found a mile away. - That's all. - Well, it's beaten me. I'll give Ј1,000 for a practical idea. He's roaming the country at will, a madman. (Griffin) Here l am. Aren't you pleased you've found me? Aagh! (Griffin) Would you like to keep him company? (man) Stand away! Keep back! (train whistle) Thank you. - Give me Ј5 worth of silver, please. - Yes, sir. Thank you. Good day. - Morning. - Morning, sir. There you are. A present from the invisible man. Money! Money! Money! Money! (laughs) [Music:] Up and down the City Road [Music:] ln and out the Eagle [Music:] That's the way the money goes [Music:] Pop goes the weasel! Money! Money! Money! Money! 20 men of the search parties have been killed, and 100 in the train disaster. The invisible man has been reported in a hundred different places. Now l appeal to you to help us keep the public calm. What plans have you got for capturing him? 100,000 men are searching and watching. But have you any special secret means of getting him? The police have offered Ј2,000 for the first effective means. - Why not bloodhounds? - The bloodhounds have lost the scent. Why not put wet tar on all the roads, then chase the black soles of his feet? Because he's not a fool. Now, we've got one hope, gentlemen. But l daren't say a word of it here. He may be standing there beside you listening. Try and sleep now, my dear. There's nothing you can do. We must just pray that the police can take him without harming him. Stand back, close against the wall. Now then. Drag that net clear across the room. Now everything depends on the way we carry out my plan. I'll tell you it after we've made certain he's not in this room. Good. Now we're safe here at last. Constable, keep an eye on that window. Now, come here. All of you, sit down. Now listen carefully. We've got a chance tonight that will never come again. He's threatened to murder Dr Kemp at ten o'clock. From what we know of him, he'll do his utmost to carry that out. He's certain to be near this house, watching, for some time beforehand. Now, ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст 32 Декабря на английском - текст Десять негритят на английском - текст Корабль чудовищ на английском - текст Лиса и заяц на английском - текст Я был рождён, но... на английском |