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Человек Омега

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almost got me tonight,
you know that?
Neville come out!
Shut up!
- Neville!
- Why the hell can't you leave me alone?
Three, brother? Are you sure?
- Not three.
- Three, brother.
Two were inside the garage
when he brought down the door.
We heard the shooting. Then Joshua.
The light. They should have
stayed clear of the light.
There was no light, brother. Just the fire.
- Nonsense. Neville can't see in the dark.
- Tell him that.
- Any more than we can see in the light.
- To hell he sees.
Good enough, he sees.
More! Burn it all!
One creature...
caught in a place
he cannot stir from in the dark.
Alone. Outnumbered, hundreds to one.
Nothing to live for but his memories.
Nothing to live with but his gadgets,
his cars, his guns, gimmicks.
And yet the whole Family
can't bring him down out of that...
That honky paradise, brother?
Forget the old ways, brother.
All your hatreds, all your pains.
Forget. And remember...
the Family is one.
But him, that thing...
that creature of the wheel...
that lord of the infernal engines
and machines...
What day is it, anyway? Monday?
The hell it is. It's Sunday!
Sunday, I always dress for dinner.
Let me put the power to him, brother.
Just a little nitro.
I can get the cannons
out of the old guard armory.
- We could have him out in no time.
- I said no.
We could, but then
the curse would begin all over again.
- Don't you see?
- Yes, I see.
I see him living high in the light...
while we rot and hide like grubs.
- What do you see, brother?
- He will be destroyed, brother. He will.
But not by guns, not by machines,
not by the evil forbidden things...
the tools that destroyed the world.
The world.
They destroyed the world. 
The entire Los Angeles area. 
Already hospital facilities have begun
to crack under the strain... 
and civil defense authorities state the
situation is the same across the country. 
Marshal law is now nationwide.
Major cities in all parts of the country: 
New York, Los Angeles... 
report plague victims falling dead
in the streets, in their homes, at work. 
The first symptom appears to be
severe choking... 
followed by immediate unconsciousness. 
Death occurs within minutes. 
Whether a state of war
between China and Russia still exists...
is not important any longer.
Our fellow countrymen are dying. 
The very foundations of civilization
are beginning to crumble... 
under the dread assault of
that horror long feared, germ warfare. 
CONELRAD Channel. 
This is a class-one emergency. 
All civilian traffic is barred
from streets and highways. 
Stay in your homes. 
Those found without specific military
orders, are subject to summary execution. 
Stay in your homes. 
Repeat. CONELRAD Channel. 
This is a class-one emergency. 
All civilian traffic is barred
from streets and highways. 
Now the question is survival. 
Is this the end of technological man? 
Is this the conclusion of all our yesterdays,
the boasts of our fabled science... 
the superhuman conquests
of space and time, the age of the wheel? 
We were warned of judgment. 
Here it is. Here, now... 
in the form of
billions of microscopic bacilli. 
This is the end. 
I see.
Let's try the test vaccine.
How the hell do I know?
We'll find out.
All right, I'll be there in an hour.
With fire, my brothers, we have purified
all that lives with our zeal... 
and we shall continue with our work. 
With our devotion,
we shall cleanse the world. 
And Neville will come down,
down to the Family into judgment...
down to punishment for
Человек Омега Человек Омега

Читайте также:
- текст Лунный Папа на английском
- текст Человек-невидимка на английском
- текст Киборг 2 на английском
- текст Филин и кошечка на английском
- текст Поцелуй бабочки на английском

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