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Главная / Человек Омега

Человек Омега

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In the bed.
I see where you do your heavy thinking.
One side keeps the other side going.
Can't have one without the other.
- I'm a narcissist.
- How do you do?
- The guest room.
- You weren't expecting us?
I wasn't expecting you.
Hold these.
I'm gonna need some help.
Lisa will have to do.
I hate to leave the kids alone too long.
They get spooked.
Watch your mouth.
Some of the kids,
you know what they say?
What do some of the kids say?
They say the Family comes
in the night when it's dark.
They say they're going to come
some night and take Richie's soul...
and tie it all up in a bag
and give it to the devil.
Is that really true?
Do you know if that's really true?
We wouldn't let that happen.
Not a chance.
Are you God?
Let's find out if he's a doctor first
before we go promoting him, okay?
How about a break?
Your move.
I just made my move.
Where'd you get that dress?
The same place you got that jacket.
I hustled it.
The house fuzz was on vacation.
His voice...
I'll never get used to it...
to hearing it.
We were with them for a while, you know?
With Matthias?
You were a part of that Family?
When it happened,
when even the army fell apart...
and there was nobody left
except those living alone like animals...
Matthias walked the streets at night...
ringing a bell.
Richie and l, we had us a place
in the back of a furniture store.
One day, we hear this bell.
So we go out to see,
and there are people there.
We thought we were alone...
just me and Richie
with millions of corpses.
But there was Matthias and other people.
Anyway, he gave us the Family for a while.
We helped with the burials.
We helped with the burnings.
But when it was over,
and the worst was past...
they began to know
how different we were, our skin, our eyes.
One day while they were asleep,
we just took off.
How'd you get mixed up
with Dutch and his group?
Dutch came by one day,
and said he was with the census bureau.
Now, what are you thinking?
You know the old song?
"If you were the only girl in the world
and I were the only boy", okay...
but, until then don't bother me?
I guess I'm the only boy.
The Family.
I forgot to keep the fuel up
in the generator.
They'll be into the garage!
You stay here.
- What's this for?
- Comfort.
You may not have time.
More time than Neville has, brother.
- When he comes back, I'll be waiting...
- Take care.
- He has the luck of a devil.
- I know.
But this time his luck has run out.
You can take down that service
flag now, mother.
Man, don't scare me like that.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm okay.
What's this stuff about me being
the only girl in the world?
Do you know it's been a long time?
I'm not sure I remember how this goes.
- How is he?
- He's stable.
No loss of pigment since yesterday
and vital signs are steady.
He's comfortable.
I'm sorry.
It's been a long time
since I've had a patient.
Doctor, you certainly haven't lost
your bedside manner.
Is that so?
Are you ready for this?
What is it?
Birth control pills.
Here we are.
I can make toxins from both of these.
All right, now the tourniquet.
Good and tight.
That's fine.
Give me the swab.
All right, you get the needle.
Go ahead.
All right, take off the tourniquet.
Will one bottle be enough?
It's genuine 160-proof
old Anglo-Saxon, baby.
I was a very peculiar doctor
in those days...
trying to find treatments
for diseases that hadn't existed...
till other doctors invented them.
Now I'm the only game in town.
I don't know how much.
I'll draw blood as often as I can.
We'll just have to keep
pumping it into him.
- How long do you think it'll take?
- I don't know.
I really don't know.
But if it does work...
then Richie will be the source
of even more antibodies.
The more people we inject...
the more serum we'll get.
And when that's done...
When that's done, baby, we will pull out.
We'll take what we need
Человек Омега Человек Омега

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