Move! Down the tunnel, man. Hit it. They're blinded. Okay, baby. Hitch up your drawers. - I thought we'd gotten past that. - You're sweet. It's okay, Tommy. This is the man, and I mean the man. But he's cool. It's okay. Come on, man. This is it. That's all there is. At least all we know of. There are others, I guess, if Matthias and his brethren haven't killed them all. I didn't know there were any left. Between the Family at night and you in the daytime... shooting at anything that moved, man, we had to stay low. I had to stay alive. The mad bomber himself. And I see you got the mad scientist. - You know me? - And about your work. My work? Biowar pathology perimeters in urban and semi-urban environments. Journal of Military Medicine, June, 1974. Incremental effects, countermeasures to toxic agents, and liquid systems delivery. Microbiological Letters, January, 1975. Remember? That's a nice recitation. You know what it means? I was a med-school senior when they scratched the world. As a matter of fact, I was gonna apply to Biowar Labs for my post-doc... - But the next term never came. - Sorry you didn't make it. Sorry the world didn't make it. Come on. Let's go see about Richie. Lisa's brother. He looks like he's about to go over. You've only seen the tertiary cases, Matthias and his people. We're not that far gone, but we're on the road. The yellow brick road. We're off to see the wizard. When it hit, the older people either died or went to the third stage fast... you know, blindness in light, albinism... psychotic illusions, occasional stages of torpor, like Matthias and the things there. - What about you? Why didn't you get it? - I don't know. Some of the younger people have a kind of... resistance. I don't know, we just hold out. Some of us are a bit light-sensitive, otherwise, we're all right. But Richie's definitely going. He's advanced secondary. Incidentally... mind telling me what keeps you in the city? You some kind of exterminator? I guess maybe you could call it that. Very complicated, Doctor. I'd be living on top of City Hall, or better, the Oxy Tower... instead of that pillbox you're in. That's where I live. It's where I used to live. It's where I'm going to live, and not Matthias nor his Family... nor any other son of a bitch is going to make me leave. He's no better. His fever is high. - What are you... - Shut up. Keep out of the way. Sit down. Could stay this way for weeks, or he'll go over 10 minutes from now. I've seen them go before. I almost got killed by a friend of mine last summer. He went over without any warning. When I looked away... his face was pale and his hair was going. When I looked back... he didn't have any eyes. What did you do? I did just like you'd do, Doctor. I killed him. If the Masonic rites are over. How about Richie? We'll take him to my place. I got nearly everything I need there. Is there anything you can do, Doctor? I mean, seeing how you've lost over 200 million patients. I don't have it. Have what? The plague. I'm immune. - Everybody has it. - Everybody but me. There was a vaccine, just an experimental batch. We weren't sure it would work. - Why, if you're immune, you could... - That's right. My blood might be a serum. At the stage that boy's in, my antibodies could reverse the whole process. Stop it. Christ, you could save the world. Screw the world. Let's save Richie. Nothing with drugs. It's got to be the serum. Couldn't you reconstitute the vaccine? You got any idea how many steps it takes... to synthesize an antibiotic specific for this bug? - Got the picture. - I've tried. God knows I've tried. Once I caught one of Matthias' people last year... and tried everything on the shelves on him. He damn near killed me... and then he died very badly himself. So it's very tight, Doctor. Very tight. Bring him in ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Просто кровь на английском - текст Чёрная роза - эмблема печали, красная роза - эмблема любви на английском - текст Его звали Роберт на английском - текст Мэри Поппинс на английском - текст Святой Ральф на английском |