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Человек Омега

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How'd you get mixed up
with Dutch and his group?
Dutch came by one day,
and said he was with the census bureau.
Now, what are you thinking?
You know the old song?
"If you were the only girl in the world
and I were the only boy", okay...
but, until then don't bother me?
I guess I'm the only boy.
The Family.
I forgot to keep the fuel up
in the generator.
They'll be into the garage!
You stay here.
- What's this for?
- Comfort.
You may not have time.
More time than Neville has, brother.
- When he comes back, I'll be waiting...
- Take care.
- He has the luck of a devil.
- I know.
But this time his luck has run out.
You can take down that service
flag now, mother.
Man, don't scare me like that.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm okay.
What's this stuff about me being
the only girl in the world?
Do you know it's been a long time?
I'm not sure I remember how this goes.
- How is he?
- He's stable.
No loss of pigment since yesterday
and vital signs are steady.
He's comfortable.
I'm sorry.
It's been a long time
since I've had a patient.
Doctor, you certainly haven't lost
your bedside manner.
Is that so?
Are you ready for this?
What is it?
Birth control pills.
Here we are.
I can make toxins from both of these.
All right, now the tourniquet.
Good and tight.
That's fine.
Give me the swab.
All right, you get the needle.
Go ahead.
All right, take off the tourniquet.
Will one bottle be enough?
It's genuine 160-proof
old Anglo-Saxon, baby.
I was a very peculiar doctor
in those days...
trying to find treatments
for diseases that hadn't existed...
till other doctors invented them.
Now I'm the only game in town.
I don't know how much.
I'll draw blood as often as I can.
We'll just have to keep
pumping it into him.
- How long do you think it'll take?
- I don't know.
I really don't know.
But if it does work...
then Richie will be the source
of even more antibodies.
The more people we inject...
the more serum we'll get.
And when that's done...
When that's done, baby, we will pull out.
We'll take what we need
and head for the mountains.
Out of "rats' alley
Where the dead men lost their bones."
T. S. Eliot turns out to have been
just as good a prophet as he was a poet.
The Waste Land. 
I wonder if it comforts him.
I wonder if I'll ever see
a stream full of fish again.
Where'd you ever see
a stream full of fish in Harlem?
At the movies.
- Does that hurt?
- A little, yeah.
It hurts. How about off, man? Turn it off.
A week ago, that much light
would have sent you right up the wall.
I'm beginning to see the light.
I'll have another batch of serum ready
in a few hours...
then we'll load up that Land Rover,
pick up Dutch and the kids...
and go to the hills. How about the Sierras?
Baby, we made it. We really made it.
I think I'll go pick up
some stuff for the trip.
Is there anything special you fancy, baby?
What I pick up today,
you're going to be seeing for a long time.
- Why don't you skip it?
- Honey.
The most dangerous thing I ever ran into
in one of those stores was you.
You watch yourself.
You stay on the ground floors,
near the doors, and in the light.
- Lf you see anything, shoot.
- Check.
Honey, can I borrow your credit cards?
Is that gonna be for me?
You don't need any more.
This is for Lisa.
- One of these days, she may...
- Start to turn?
That's always a possibility.
It's best to catch these things early.
Then you don't think
the serum would work...
for tertiary cases?
- What do you mean?
- Like Matthias.
The Family.
It's hard to say.
Would it?
Come on, help me with this.
Put the cap on that.
Put it in the refrigerator.
I can't afford to give more blood
till I get clear of this town.
Later on, if your blood count comes up...
and you put on some weight,
we can use your blood to make serum.
Yeah. Now, go eat your soup.
Someone ought to do
something about those people.
How about it?
- You
Человек Омега Человек Омега

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