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Человек Омега

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Richie's definitely going.
He's advanced secondary. Incidentally...
mind telling me
what keeps you in the city?
You some kind of exterminator?
I guess maybe you could call it that.
Very complicated, Doctor.
I'd be living on top of City Hall,
or better, the Oxy Tower...
instead of that pillbox you're in.
That's where I live.
It's where I used to live.
It's where I'm going to live,
and not Matthias nor his Family...
nor any other son of a bitch
is going to make me leave.
He's no better.
His fever is high.
- What are you...
- Shut up.
Keep out of the way.
Sit down.
Could stay this way for weeks,
or he'll go over 10 minutes from now.
I've seen them go before.
I almost got killed by a friend
of mine last summer.
He went over without any warning.
When I looked away...
his face was pale and his hair was going.
When I looked back...
he didn't have any eyes.
What did you do?
I did just like you'd do, Doctor. I killed him.
If the Masonic rites are over.
How about Richie?
We'll take him to my place.
I got nearly everything I need there.
Is there anything you can do, Doctor?
I mean, seeing how you've lost
over 200 million patients.
I don't have it.
Have what?
The plague. I'm immune.
- Everybody has it.
- Everybody but me.
There was a vaccine,
just an experimental batch.
We weren't sure it would work.
- Why, if you're immune, you could...
- That's right.
My blood might be a serum.
At the stage that boy's in, my antibodies
could reverse the whole process. Stop it.
Christ, you could save the world.
Screw the world. Let's save Richie.
Nothing with drugs.
It's got to be the serum.
Couldn't you reconstitute the vaccine?
You got any idea
how many steps it takes...
to synthesize an antibiotic
specific for this bug?
- Got the picture.
- I've tried. God knows I've tried.
Once I caught one
of Matthias' people last year...
and tried everything
on the shelves on him. 
He damn near killed me... 
and then he died very badly himself. 
So it's very tight, Doctor.
Very tight.
Bring him in here.
In the bed.
I see where you do your heavy thinking.
One side keeps the other side going.
Can't have one without the other.
- I'm a narcissist.
- How do you do?
- The guest room.
- You weren't expecting us?
I wasn't expecting you.
Hold these.
I'm gonna need some help.
Lisa will have to do.
I hate to leave the kids alone too long.
They get spooked.
Watch your mouth.
Some of the kids,
you know what they say?
What do some of the kids say?
They say the Family comes
in the night when it's dark.
They say they're going to come
some night and take Richie's soul...
and tie it all up in a bag
and give it to the devil.
Is that really true?
Do you know if that's really true?
We wouldn't let that happen.
Not a chance.
Are you God?
Let's find out if he's a doctor first
before we go promoting him, okay?
How about a break?
Your move.
I just made my move.
Where'd you get that dress?
The same place you got that jacket.
I hustled it.
The house fuzz was on vacation.
His voice...
I'll never get used to it...
to hearing it.
We were with them for a while, you know?
With Matthias?
You were a part of that Family?
When it happened,
when even the army fell apart...
and there was nobody left
except those living alone like animals...
Matthias walked the streets at night...
ringing a bell.
Richie and l, we had us a place
in the back of a furniture store.
One day, we hear this bell.
So we go out to see,
and there are people there.
We thought we were alone...
just me and Richie
with millions of corpses.
But there was Matthias and other people.
Anyway, he gave us the Family for a while.
We helped with the burials.
We helped with the burnings.
But when it was over,
and the worst was past...
they began to know
how different we were, our skin, our eyes.
One day while they were asleep,
we just took off.
Человек Омега Человек Омега

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