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Братья и сёстры семьи Тода

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is unreasonable.
You kept this secret from me?
You should tell me everything.
You didn't scold him?
Yes, I did.
It didn't work. He did it again.
A promise with a little child?
Were you serious?
You should know about children.
You raised many on your own.
I was thoughtless.
Be more careful!
Tell me everything about him.
I want to raise him my way.
But you are only spoiling him.
You are right.
I was wrong, I am sorry and
I will be careful.
Just stay away from my son.
Mrs Toda and Miss Setsuko
have arrived.
Show them in.
Hello, Ayako.
How are you, mother?
Glad to see you.
Sorry, I have been going out
when you came.
You should have phoned me before.
Yes, sorry.
I don't mind being a little bit late.
How are you Setsuko?
Ayako, can you do me a favor?
What's the matter?
About us.
We would like to move
to the villa in Kugenuma.
No special reason.
It is empty now.
What do you think?
We should live here, but...
Sister and Brother agreed.
And we have decided.
You have decided?
Why go to that place?
We have room here.
You think you can do it?
I will try.
It is inconvenient.
Really, I just think you love to stay here.
Not really far away, you can visit us.
It is near the sea. You will like it.
When will you go?
As soon as possible.
We will meet again before you go.
Then we leave first.
Stay awhile.
Why don't you order lunch?
Take care!
Sorry that I must go now.
Waited long?
A little.
I have a guest.
Mother and Sis.
For what?
It's our turn now?
No, they will move to the villa.
Should be.
We are lucky, right?
They skipped us.
We wouldn't get on with them,
and then?
I said, see you again.
But I feel sorry.
After I came here,
the first thing I sewed...
was a baby dress for Setsuko.
Look at her.
She has grown into such a lovely girl.
She is really nice.
When she was born, I told Mr Toda.
It's a girl.
And he said, a girl again?
Girl is worthless.
So I said, '"Babies can't be born
without women'".
He said that he knew and laughed.
Did that happen?
Such a long time ago.
Time flies, doesn't it?
It's already been a year
since Mr Toda passed away.
I feel like many years have passed.
A lot of things has happened, I feel tired.
Things change so quickly, don't they?
May be.
Thanks for your help!
That's all right.
Is there any food, I am hungry?
Be nice.
It is tea time.
Anything will do.
It is not Tokyo.
Take a look.
There are some cakes.
I will take some.
Tokiko may come tomorrow evening.
Guess what she will wear?
No idea.
Just one?
A dress.
No, a kimono made from
the cloth you gave her.
My prize.
It is too soon.
Will Shojiro come to
Father's first death ceremony?
I don't know!
He should come back.
He may be busy.
He lives far away,
I just want him is going well.
I hope he can come.
He may not able to come.
Think so?
I am glad everything went well today.
The rain stopped in the morning.
Glad that it didn't rain.
Shojiro came, too.
You never change,
we were worried about you.
The sea was so rough, sorry I was late.
Father must be very happy.
Today's sutra was long.
I asked the priest to make it short.
My legs are tired.
Ryokichi couldn't even stand up.
How is life in China?
What do you mean?
Do you go fishing?
No, I am quite busy recently.
You may take a rest.
I will call you later.
Why do Mother and Setsuko
live at the villa?
No special reason.
Why don't they live with you?
Have been.
What has happened?
They moved to Chizuko's home.
They stayed at my house.
They decided to move out.
I don't believe it.
I decided to move.
Please keep out of this, Mother.
Why do you let them
live in such place?
When we wanted to sell it
you said that it was worthless.
It is too old to live.
I was surprised Mother and
Setsuko moved there.
I thought they were happy
to live with you.
We had our reason.
What is it?
Братья и сёстры семьи Тода Братья и сёстры семьи Тода

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