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Главная / Братья Блюз 2000

Братья Блюз 2000

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starting a new life...
...but with a five-felony record...
I think I know that voice.
What chance do I have
if I make one more mistake?
One more time, I could go down for life.
It's not fair.
My question is, how can you goddamn...
...shit-spewing media sluts...
Thank you. Now a commercial.
Steve, that sounded a lot like...
Elwood J. Blues.
No place to run.
And no place to hide.
I know your trumpet player's
a funeral director now.
But cemeteries give me the creeps.
He'll be the most difficult. Follow my lead.
Lay to rest Nicholas Tsetsevkaya.
A young man cut down too soon...
...by violent enemies.
Will you get lost?
Do you know who these people are?
Who's he?
What's with the monkey?
That's my associate, Buster Blues.
This is Mighty Mack, my new lead singer.
So, that's what this is about?
Forget it. Goodbye.
Mr. Fabulous...
...when should we come back for the rings
and watch off the corpse?
And is the medical school buying his dick?
We're dead now.
Since I've been working for Ed
and Mr. Pickett, I haven't looked back.
These guys are amazing.
What do you want, Elwood?
I'm putting the band back together.
We need Murph on the keyboards.
I see.
I won't go without your say-so.
Murph says you're in publishing,
telephone sales and matrimonial services?
Yes, we are.
Just what is it that you do exactly?
I'm 18 years old. I'm blonde.
I'm 36-24-36, and my name is Bambi.
"If you need a little lovin'
"Call on me
"If you want some kissin'
"Call me, baby
"I'll be right home
"All you got to do is pick up the telephone
"And dial now
"That's my number
"If you need some huggin'
"Call on me
"If you want some kissin'
"Call on me, baby
"No more Ionely nights
"We'll be alone
"All you got to do is pick up the telephone
And dial
"That's my number
"Oh, I'll be right there
"Just as soon as I can
"If I be a little bit late
"I hope that you'll understand
"If you need a little lovin'
"You can call on me
"If you want some of my kissin'
"Call on me
"No more Ionely nights
"We will be alone
"All you got to do is
call me on the telephone
"And dial
"That's my number, baby
"That's our number
"You can reach the Love Exchange
"Call Ed's Love Exchange"
Charlie, would I lie to you?
Charlie, take it easy. That's all in the past.
He hung up on me.
A lot of burnt bridges, Mr. Blues.
I know you can book us somewhere.
You're still the best.
Ever hear of Queen Moussette?
The Louisiana witch, Queen Moussette?
That's her. She has a "Battle of the Bands"
going on at her club.
Big cash prize. Your band wins,
I get 15 percent of the take.
I'll book you a couple of gigs
on the way to Louisiana.
Golly, thanks, Mr. Sline.
Let go of me.
One more thing. You'll have to audition
for Queen Moussette.
Don't tell the boys about this.
We'll call to find out where our first gig is.
Just be careful, Elwood.
Alan Rubin.
Mr. Fabulous.
Mr. Fabulous.
The Blues Brothers Band.
You're going to love them.
They're absolutely sensational.
Really sensational.
They're a great blues band.
Yeah, blues band.
No, blues, not bluegrass.
You don't want a blues band?
They're the Bluegrass Brothers.
They're wonderful.
They absolutely pulverize an audience.
You're going to call and thank me.
The Bluegrass Brothers.
Our first date is at the county fair...
...in Cynthiana, Kentucky...
...and then we have this mystery gig
in Louisiana.
Mystery gig?
Elwood, you got the keys to the trunk?
It's full.
I haven't played a county fair since '68.
Sounds like a lot of laughs.
We're back on the road again.
Who are you, Willie Nelson?
I'll ride with Elwood.
Go right ahead, Mr. Thrill-Seeker.
Excuse me, sir.
Didn't you used to be Elwood Blues?
Who's asking?
I've listened to your stuff since I was a kid.
Yeah, so?
My friends and I have a band.
We're rehearsing nearby.
It would be so cool, and mean so much
to me,
Братья Блюз 2000 Братья Блюз 2000

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