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Главная / Братья Блюз 2000

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on the road again.
Who are you, Willie Nelson?
I'll ride with Elwood.
Go right ahead, Mr. Thrill-Seeker.
Excuse me, sir.
Didn't you used to be Elwood Blues?
Who's asking?
I've listened to your stuff since I was a kid.
Yeah, so?
My friends and I have a band.
We're rehearsing nearby.
It would be so cool, and mean so much
to me, if you'd come listen to us play.
Sure. Go get started
and I'll be there in a minute.
Let's highball!
Mr. Blues?
-It's been almost seven days, Mother Mary.
-We must call the police.
Kidnapping is a federal offence.
I suppose you're right.
We should call the police.
We just received a call.
Elwood Blues has kidnapped a child.
Roachdale 31.
-I got a cheeseburger cooling, man.
Buster, I'm sorry,
you'll have to see a bad side of me.
Mack, your shaving cream.
So none of you are driving that Ford?
And whose dry white toast is that?
Run for your lives!
My God, help us! Somebody help us!
He's having an attack!
It's puffball bacteria!
It's extremely contagious!
What in Sam Hill?
Run away! Oh, God!
It's puffball bacteria! It's contagious!
Save yourselves!
Save yourselves!
Save yourselves! Save yourselves!
Hot damn. That's quite a trick.
That white trash ex-con
invented criminally evasive driving.
He kidnapped a little--
Get after him!
Go ahead.
See you at the gig.
Where is the gig?
County fairgrounds, off Route 107,
Cynthiana, Kentucky, 11 PM tomorrow.
See you there.
How will he get there
with all the cops after him?
Wait a minute.
Don't I know you boys from somewhere?
Check, please.
We have to get off this road.
They've called ahead by now.
Two miles down, get off this
and on County Road 245 to Mariah Hill.
That'll get us close to the State line.
We have to lose them first.
You passed the turn.
I know.
You're hoping they lost interest?
This is Agent Peters
and Agent Bowman, FBl.
Good to have you here.
Elwood Blues is a menace
to decent people.
We'll get him, sir. That's a promise.
Every lawman in two states
is on this border.
Let him try to get past this roadblock.
Roll up your windows.
How long can we stay down here?
How long can you hold your breath?
Am I right?
Yes, sir.
I said, am I right?
Yes, sir.
I can't hear you!
Yes, sir!
You may think we're just a group
of sorry son-bitches...
...out here jerking each other off.
Or you may just think
that we know something.
I'll tell you something else.
The federal government has a computer.
This computer is wired...
...to a computer in Jerusalem...
...and Moscow.
There's something in the river.
I saw something under the water, sir.
...it's okay to be nervous.
There are enough explosives in that boat...
...to blow up every post office
in the country.
But nobody knows we're here.
Nobody knows our plans.
You guys having a picnic?
Don't shoot! You might hit the boat!
What boat?
That's the international Jewish,
communist conspiracy in action, people.
One of their spy satellites
picked up our location.
Kill them!
-Did you hear something?
-You sure they'll come?
-They're booked here. They'll come.
More stunts coming up...
...and only 20 minutes
until the wonderful Bluegrass Brothers.
These will make us look
a lot more bluegrass.
I'll fake some fiddle on my keyboard.
We go on after the last car stunt.
How will Elwood, Mack and the kid...
...get to the stage
with all the police around?
I like the car this color.
It's temporary camouflage, that's all.
All right. Go on.
Lots of heat here.
Maybe we ought to skip this gig.
That would be unprofessional.
Park it somewhere dark.
...the Devil Drivers' star, Rick Avery...
...does the triple-ramp loop
through the ring of fire!
Now the county fair is proud to present
tonight's musical entertainment...
...the Kentucky Bluegrass Brothers!
What's with the hats and beards?
You look like ZZ Top.
Sline booked us in here
as a bluegrass band.
Братья Блюз 2000 Братья Блюз 2000

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