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Главная / Братья Блюз 2000

Братья Блюз 2000

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Hey, look. A circus.
It's a tent-revival meeting.
Excuse me. Who's preaching
the good word today, ma'am?
The Right Reverend Cleophus James
from Chicago.
Of the Triple Rock Baptist Church?
From Chicago. That's right.
I know him. He'll give us gas money.
We'll meet you guys inside.
Okay, thanks. Keep an eye on them.
Wait for us to arrive.
That was the Sheriff in Panther Burn.
The Blues gang is at a revival meeting.
Now, all you people of the faith...
...are you ready for the word?
Are you ready for the word?
Are you ready for the word?
Let us begin with a sweet song
of meditation...
...from our own Reverend Morris
and the Tent-Revival Choir.
-"Who's that writing?
-"John the Revelator
"He wrote the book of the seven seals
"Yes, tell me who 's that writing
"John the Revelator
-"Tell me who 's that writing
-"John the Revelator
"Tell me who 's that writing
"John the Revelator wrote
the book of the seven seals
"God walked down a hill one day
"Called Adam by his name
"Adam wouldn 't answer
"'Cause he was naked and ashamed
-"Tell me who's that a writing
-"John the Revelator
"Tell me who's that a writing
"John the Revelator wrote
the book of the seven seals
"You know Christ
-"Twelve apostles
-"Spirit willing
"Three he led away
"He said, 'Watch with me while I walk
"For I go yonder and pray'
"Listen when Christ rose
"On Easter mornin '
-"Mary and Martha came down to see
-"The resurrection
"He said, 'Go and tell my disciples
"To meet me in Galilee'
-"Yes, who 's that writing?
-"John the Revelator
"Who 's that writing?"
Stop the music.
Those men are under arrest.
-It's Reverend Cleophus!
-Preach the word!
"He who is without sin
cast the first stone. "
Say it again.
You tell him, Reverend.
For are not all men alike...
...in their boundless capacity for sin?
Can you not forgive?
Can you not embrace
those who have wronged you?
You get on your knees and pray,
"Oh, Lord, forgive me. "
But you won't forgive your brother,
who you see every day.
Look to yourself
for the redemption you seek!
And acknowledge your own precious blood.
Acknowledge your own precious blood!
I want you to invoke its calling
in the blessed name.
Invoke the calling of the blood.
...the calling of the blood.
Invoke the calling of the blood!
Invoke the calling of the blood!
Invoke the calling of the blood.
The calling of the blood.
Yes. I understand.
I totally, absolutely...
..pletely, positively understand.
This is my God-given...
-"Tell me why I'm shouting
-"John the Revelator
"Wrote the book of the seven seals
-"Tell me what I'm shouting
-"John the Revelator
"Wrote the book of the seven seals
-"Tell me why I'm shouting
-"John the Revelator
"John the Revelator wrote
the book of the seven seals
-"Tell me what I'm shouting
-"John the Revelator
"Wrote the book of the seven seals
"The revelation of Jesus
"I thought I was a policeman
"The revelation of Jesus
"An officer of the law
"The revelation of Jesus
"But then I had a revelation
"Because of what I saw
"The revelation of Jesus
"My life was so easy
"Everything was black and white
"But now I see all the colors
"All of the day and all the night
"I thought Elwood was funny
"Peculiar, just plain odd
"But now I see that he's brought me
"Closer and closer to my God
"My outlook was always so gloomy
"My day was dull and gray
"But now I see very clearly
"Oh, happy day
They've brainwashed the commander!
Get them!
Get to the Bluesmobile!
Let's move. Come on!
I get it, Elwood! This is my calling.
The calling of the blood!
Don't look back.
Look out!
Did we get them?
This is what I should be doing! All of us!
Music, song, dance.
That's why the military and police exist.
To protect the artists of the world.
If we can just win the
"Battle of the Bands."
"Battle of the Bands"?
We have to audition first.
Fine! Audition.
Братья Блюз 2000 Братья Блюз 2000

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