back here again! -Are you okay? -Yeah. He dropped this. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Four... ...five hundred dollars. Thank you, sir. This your boy? He's.... I'm his associate. Yeah, that's who he is. Lucky you came today. I'm selling the place tomorrow. Why? I'm going to New Orleans to try out a new career. Good luck, Mr. Gasperon. Good luck to you, Mr. Blues. Mother Mary, we've done two bed checks... ...searched the grounds and we can't find him. Who? Buster. He's missing. Elwood! Have you seen my wallet? It smells like dog shit in here. Don't say "shit," kid. You don't need that shit, kid. Elwood. It's me. Matara. Yeah, right. Mack. Look who's here. Elwood Blues. From Willie's old band. Is this your son? Well, he's.... I'm hungry. Come on, let's get you something to eat. Willie's in the office. What would you say to my putting the band back together? I'd say I've got a good business here and I'm not going back to jail. You're saying you don't miss it? That's right. You know you miss the music. No pharmaceutical could equal the rush you get when the band grooves. People are dancing and shouting. The house is rocking. Sir? Yes, Elizondo? Found your wallet. Let's see... ...badge, license, credit cards. Just the cash is missing. Where was it? Turned in to lost-and-found in a paper bag... ...with this note. I want a felony theft warrant put out on Elwood Blues. I want this guy. Now. What did he mean, calling you his "little brother"? Right away, sir. Good evening, welcome to Willie's. Illinois' most elegant establishment for entertainment, erotica and ecdysia. Now, four young women currently studying medicine... ...and paleontology at Northwestern University. Tia, Sandrah, Devon and Carla. Here they are, The Roommates! The band, the girls and I, want to do a song for you. A little Mack Rice cover. You married men... ...better stay tied up, because it's cheaper to keep her. "It's cheaper to keep her "It's cheaper to keep her "When your little girl makes you mad "You get an attitude and pack your bag "Five little children that you're leaving behind "You're gonna pay some alimony or do some time "It's cheaper to keep her "Too much to leave that little girl "It's cheaper, it's cheaper "If you decide to roam "And leave your happy home "You got to pay the house note "The child support, your insurance "Alimony, mortgage one, mortgage two "It's cheaper to keep her" What was that? Strong-arm shit. Protection payment. You know. This time it's Russians. But if I pay them, they leave me alone. That's not right. No shit. If I could only figure out what Elwood's game is. Why did he come to see you? To borrow $500 and ask me to join his band. Well, he got his $500. What instrument do you play? How about a big hand for our gorgeous, professional lady dancers? Where's Willie? Visiting his ailing stepfather. Why? The Russians are here to see him. I'll handle it. Where's Buster? In the office, sleeping. Good evening, gentlemen. Mr. Hall has been unavoidably detained. He may be a trifle late. May I buy you a drink? Mack. Got a minute? Don't forget our deal now, Elwood. You can stop worrying. Those Russians won't be back. Those guys are bad mothers, Elwood. Serious shit. They kill people. They kill people? Try to understand. Those goons are orphan remnants of the post-perestroika Soviet secret police... ...who twisted the well-intentioned, original Marxist-Leninist doctrine... ...using state security, which was corrupted by Beria in the '30s. Once a mass populace is coerced into such behavior... ...a radical shift, like glasnost, produces guys like... ...headless automata who continue the brutish measures... which their genes were programmed since the fall of the Romanovs. That's great. I feel much better. "Stay away from Willie's. Signed, the Masked Avenger." Now, a very special treat, our
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