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Главная / Братья Блюз 2000

Братья Блюз 2000

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>"Let it shine on me
"Turn on your love light
"Let it shine on me
"Let it shine
"I get a little lonely
"In the middle of the night
"I need you darlin', make things all right
"Come on, baby
"Come on, please
"Come on, baby
"Baby, please
"Turn on the light
"Let it shine on me
"Turn on your love light
"Let it shine on me
"I said a little bit higher
"Just a little bit higher
"Come on, baby
"Come on, please
"I'm beggin' you, baby
"I'm down on my knees
"Turn on the light
"Let it shine on me
"Turn on your love light
"Let it shine on me
"I feel all right
"Let it shine
Love Light. The Blues Brothers.
Now it is time for you...
...the audience, to decide.
When I raise my left hand, I want to hear
the applause for the Blues Brothers.
When I raise my right hand,
I want to hear the applause for...
...the Louisiana Gator Boys.
First, the Blues Brothers.
The Louisiana Gator Boys!
That's me! The Louisiana Gator Boys!
What do you mean by this?
We don't want any trouble.
Just give us the Blues Brothers.
Russians! I told you them son-bitches
were communists. Shoot them!
You try any of that boojie-boojie crap
on me, I'll tell you what.
Police! Coming through! Step aside!
Coming through.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm with the band now.
It's good to see you again, Elwood.
Great to see you, Mr. Gasperon.
You're doing well in your new career.
Would you gentlemen care to jam?
What do you think, Eric?
Why not?
One, two, one, two, three, huh.
"I said hey, yeah
"I said a hey, yeah
"Come on everybody take a trip with me
"Well down the Mississippi
down in New Orleans
"You got a honeysuckle bloomin'
on the honeysuckle vine
"And love is a bloomin' there all the time
"Well every southern belle
is a Mississippi Queen
"Down the Mississippi
down to New Orleans
"I said hey, yeah
"Come on take a stroll
down to Basin Street
"Listen to that music
with the Dixieland beat
"Well the magnolia blossoms fill the air
"Well you ain't been to heaven
till you been down there
"They got French moss hangin'
a big oak tree
"Get outta here, Jimmie Vaughan, take it
"I said hey, yeah
"Come on everybody take a trip with me
"Down the Mississippi
down to New Orleans
"Where the honeysuckle hangin'
on a honeysuckle vine
"Well love is bloomin' there all the time
"Every southern belle
is a Mississippi Queen
"Down the Mississippi
down to New Orleans"
I guess it's time to say goodbye, kid.
- I'm not going with them.
- You can't stay with Elwood.
They think he kidnapped you.
But they're wrong.
They won't believe that.
He's right, Buster.
If I go back with them,
they'll put me in a home with people...
...who don't love me,
and put you back in jail.
I'll never see you again.
And we'll both be sad forever.
So, what do we do?
We're all brothers now, right?
You guys stay here and distract them.
I'll kidnap Elwood.
Good luck.
See you down the road.
Further on up the road.
Stop that mound of moss!
The Lord does work in mysterious ways,
Put on your seat belt.
"Every southern belle
is a Mississippi Queen
"Down the Mississippi
down to New Orleans
"I said, look
Братья Блюз 2000 Братья Блюз 2000

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