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Главная / Братья Блюз 2000

Братья Блюз 2000

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Hall has been unavoidably detained.
He may be a trifle late.
May I buy you a drink?
Got a minute?
Don't forget our deal now, Elwood.
You can stop worrying.
Those Russians won't be back.
Those guys are bad mothers, Elwood.
Serious shit. They kill people.
They kill people?
Try to understand.
Those goons are orphan remnants of
the post-perestroika Soviet secret police...
...who twisted the well-intentioned,
original Marxist-Leninist doctrine...
...using state security, which was
corrupted by Beria in the '30s.
Once a mass populace
is coerced into such behavior...
...a radical shift, like glasnost,
produces guys like...
...headless automata who continue
the brutish measures...
...to which their genes were programmed
since the fall of the Romanovs.
That's great. I feel much better.
"Stay away from Willie's.
Signed, the Masked Avenger."
Now, a very special treat, our own...
...bartender, Mack McTeer,
will perform for you tonight.
Now, come on.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry. I promised the guy.
It'll never happen again.
"I'm all alone and fancy-free
"But that ain't the way I want to be
"Now girls, get your game up tight
"We're gonna have
a wing-ding-doodle tonight
"For right now I'm lookin' for a fox
"I'm lookin' for a fox
"Tonight the sky's the limit
"I got some money and I'm gonna spend it
"It's Saturday night and I wanna play
"I'm gonna groove
till the break of day
"I'm lookin' for a fox
"Not a brand new pinstripe suit of clothes
"Big wide polka-dot tie
"Cuff links as big as jaybird eggs
and look at that
"Shoes made out of alligator hide
"Wanna see somethin' else here?
"I'm ripe and ready and I'm hot to trot
- "Boy, you on fire
- "You know you can get anything I got
- "Two take for two
- "I got the money if you got the time
- "We open all night
- "All you gotta do is give me a sign
"I'm lookin' for a fox"
Mack, you know something?
You can sing, man.
Everyone please leave now!
- Where's Buster?
- I don't know.
Come on! Hurry!
You okay?
The girls get out?
Yeah, everyone's fine.
Matara, thanks for everything.
Time to go.
They have automatic weapons.
Look in the glove compartment.
Carpet tacks.
They have guns and we have carpet tacks.
They're not carpet tacks.
They're dry-wall nails.
Roll down the window. Dump the nails.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, Mack.
What do you mean?
If not for those Russian gangsters
and you helping me...
...I wouldn't have seen you sing.
You're good.
Thank you, Elwood.
Since the Russians torched Willie's club,
he'll need a job.
You'll need a job. I'll need a job.
So, you'll join the band,
then we'll all have jobs.
- Follow me?
- Sure.
What band?
- Elizondo.
- Find anything?
No bodies, but lots of gunfire.
Find the club owner?
Not yet.
You better see this.
You finally sell that demonstrator?
Check this funky car coming in.
I got a weird vibe.
The suit's real neat,
but do I have to wear the hat?
These are unsophisticated men. They only
respond to fear and the draw of lucre.
We elicit this by using
iconographic symbols...
...and psychological intimidation.
The way we look together...
...presents a uniform image
of strength and organization.
Don't say anything.
Look mean. No smiling.
Good to see you.
Even though that last gig was a nightmare.
Boys, meet my new partner in the act,
Mighty Mack.
Mack, "Blue Lou" Marini,
Matt "Guitar" Murphy.
Mighty Mack.
So, what's this about?
Putting the band back together.
You can't mention that here.
She's back from lunch.
Sorry to hear about Jake.
Братья Блюз 2000 Братья Блюз 2000

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