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Curtis had an affair
with a married woman.
Go, Curtis.
I mean, that's terrible.
That's what I thought you meant.
The woman became pregnant
and decided to stay with her husband...
...never telling him
that the boy child wasn't his.
Curtis was devastated.
He came to us as a custodian...
...and spent the rest of his life
caring for little orphans like you.
That's a beautiful story.
Wait a minute. If Curtis had a son...
...that guy would be kind of like
my stepbrother.
I have a family.
Curtis stayed in touch
with the boy's mother.
He sent his paycheck every week.
Where is this boy now?
He's a grown man now,
and doing quite well.
He's in the city.
His name is Cabel Chamberlain.
Cabel Chamberlain.
He knows nothing about Curtis.
You are not to tell him.
I wouldn't say anything.
Do you know anything about mentoring?
No. What about it?
I'd like you to meet someone.
Sister, would you send Buster in here?
Wait a minute.
Thank you.
Come in, Buster, and sit down.
Elwood, say hello to Buster.
Hi. How ya doin'?
Buster, say hello to Elwood.
Hi. How ya doin'?
The kid's a wiseass.
What did you say?
I said, what a sweet kid.
That's more like it.
Now, here's my proposal.
Buster is a ward of the State.
Due to lack of space, the archdiocese...
...is housing homeless children
here at the hospital.
What's that got to do with me?
I thought you could come
and spend time with Buster.
Why don't you take Buster to the library?
You know, I've been jacked around...
The library. No problem.
See you in two hours, boys.
Here's the deal. You wait here.
I'll come back for you with the car.
Do you have a car?
I'm working on it.
Chicago. Cabel Chamberlain.
Thanks for the ride.
Kid, are you stalking me?
What are you, fifteen? Seventeen?
I'm ten.
I know what that's like.
You're Ionely, searching for a place in life.
Don't blow it like I did.
Stay away from drugs, gangs, cyber porn
and you could be President some day.
But I don't want to be President.
I'm busy. I got kind of a brother in there.
He must be in trouble.
Besides, you don't want to hang around
with some over-forty recidivist.
Now scram.
A Mr. Elwood J. Blues is here to see you.
Yes, sir.
Commander Chamberlain's office
is on the 12th floor. He's expecting you.
"Commander" Chamberlain?
How can I help you, Mr...
Blues. Elwood J. Blues.
Could you take off your hat
and glasses in my office?
Okay, you can put your glasses back on.
What exactly is the nature
of your visit here, Mr. Blues?
Well, it's like this.
I used to be in a band called
The Blues Brothers.
With a partner whose name was
Jake Blues.
Go on.
And you are our long-Iost brother.
Mr. Blues...
...I am an only child.
But your real father
was like a real father to me, too.
- My real father?
- Yeah, Curtis.
Have you noticed
that I am African-American?
That's okay. So was Curtis.
See, your mother and Curtis had an affair...
...which produced a little boy. That's you.
My father...
...passed away 14 years ago.
He was a full-bird colonel
in the U.S. Air Force.
My mother...
...now lives in Phoenix, Arizona
and a more...
...honorable, sweet-tempered
and goodly woman does not exist.
I'm not making any moral judgments.
But one can project
what might have happened.
Your mom, young...
...her husband in the military.
Often away from home...
...which may have pushed her
to reach out...
...stray from the nest.
- That's enough.
Just a minute...
Hi, Ma. It's me, Cab.
Listen, I have a...
...gentleman here who's telling me
some story about a man named Curtis.
So, what precisely do you want from me?
Seeing as we're kind of stepbrothers...
...I thought you could help me out.
I need $500 for this car.
I thought maybe you could loan me
the money. Or...
Or what?
I want to put the band back together.
You could join us.
I am a commander...
...in the Illinois State Police.
I enjoy my job.
Братья Блюз 2000 Братья Блюз 2000

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