on where he is. - Ten-four. Where are you going? I'm gonna see how smart I am. [Engine Revving] Get on the plane. You okay? - You're not going, are you? - No. Then I'm not either. You're out of excuses, sweetheart. There's a quarter million dollars in that bag. Win or lose, it's your choice. Now get out of here. You'll be okay, won't you? Get going. [Door Closes] I'm glad you didn't make me chase you. Too damn tired. That doesn't surprise me. A hundred years of police work in a single afternoon. Always figured you were one of us. How many days in a row... do I have to haul your butt down here? Hmm? Just to watch you do nothing. I have no interest... in becoming an accomplished cripple. Now you push me back to my room or out into traffic. I don't give a shit. Things not so good, Harry? - I've seen better days. - Wanna see 'em again? Wort happen from down here. So, you used to being back with the bureau? Sure. And back with my wife. Thank you very much. Come on, Mark! Stop fooling around! Give me... Give me my chair. I need your help, Harry. For what? Where's my chair? My reunion with Amy was a big success. We just found out that she's pregnant. That's great. That's great. Give me my chair. I don't know anything about being a father, Harry. I want your help. I want you to be the godfather. All right. I'll help. Now give me the goddamn chair! - Then walk. - I can't walk! Then meet me halfway. Come on. I don't have to walk to be a godfather! You don't have to walk, but you have to try like hell. - I can't! - Did you ever quit in front of Blair? [Chuckles] [Laughing][Groans] [Groans] - Green light. - Let's go. How many times was John Wayne nominated for an Academy Award? Probably not enough. Marcellino's still asleep. - I'm gonna go relieve Ed. - How the hell can one son of a bitch sleep so much? - Fear. - As long as he wakes up to testify. [Groaning] Oh, no. [Speaking Italian] We've been looking for you. - So you want to be a witness? - No, no, no, no! Witness this. [Chattering] His birthday was in two weeks. Harry, they wanna take him out. Harry? Twenty-seven years of this shit, and I never got a scratch. Jesus Christ. I want a list of everybody in Witness Protection... who knew we were holding Marcellino... and anybody else who could've known... from the district attorney to the commissioner. They're dead, Mike. Whoever set this up... whatever it takes... they're dead. - Okay, Cullen. You're outta here. - [Siren Wailing] Now you're off and runnir Runnirlike you're scared Runnirunder radar Runnirlike a deer Somethirin the bushes starirout at you Starirat your feelirs Feelirlike you do One-way rider wanderirdown the road Baby, I'm right beside you everywhere you go Once upon a daydream Circumstances do Everything to hold on Everything for you First we found a loser Next we found a fool Now we follow footsteps taken up on you One-way driver One way down the road - Baby, I'm right beside you - [Worker] Hey, you goddamn son of a... Everywhere you go - Whoa! - Damn! Aah! [Man Chuckles] Yes, sir. Well, a number of the residents have complained... though, about the trash around the Dumpster, so I think you should do something about it. Yes, sir. Heh! All right. Have a good day then. [Grunts] - You caught the bastard. - In the act. Bullshit. I was on my way to a costume party. He stopped somebody over at Route 74 for driving too fast. - He was going to let them off for 50 bucks. - They stopped me for directions. Book him. Impersonating an officer, resisting arrest... fraud, reckless driving and lying to the sheriff. - I'll be at home if you need ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Охота в одиночку на английском - текст Ведьма на английском - текст Анна Каренина на английском - текст Зависть богов на английском - текст Роза на английском |