's gonna take a lot of work to pull this thing off. - A lot of planning. - Look. We get a floor plan. We buy ourselves an inside man and we go. Our boy not only told me where it is... he told me they're moving it to a federal depository for safekeeping next Tuesday. - Oh, Jesus. This is crazy! - Look, last week in New York... $10 million won'th of cocaine walked out of a police station. - Nobody knows where the hell it is! It can be done. - That was inside work. I'm talking a major fucking job here! It'll make Brinks look like rolling a drunk. There's 50 cops in that building any hour of the day. How you gonna get 'em outta there? Give 'em tickets to the ball game? A bomb. Just blow the place up, huh? The genius. What are you talking about? Bomb threat. Whenever they get one, they have to evacuate the whole building. Yeah, sure. If they believe it. They get that shit all the time. How you gonna guarantee they'd bite? Make them nervous. Make them believe someone is trying to blow up every police station in the city. [Indistinct Chatter] [Phones Ringing] - Hey! Where you going? - Filling the vending machine. - Where's Bobby? - Ha! That's what the boss would like to know. Hey, you guys bigger on potato or corn chips? - The guys in the 6th don't touch the corn. - [Ringing] - 9th District, Sergeant Mora. - Myself, I don't care, you know. - [Mora] Okay, lady. Where are you? - [Woman On Phone, Indistinct] Anybody hurt? All right. Someone will be out over there in a little while. [Indistinct Chatter] [Woman Screaming] [Siren Wailing] Well, it doesn't look like they intended too much damage. There's always the chance the guy was a bad bomb maker. - What're you doir here, Harry? - Oh, just hopir that some... half-assed, pro-life, whale-lovir terrorist didn't do it... so the bureau doesn't have to get involved, and we can leave it in your good hands. - Hmm. - It's crude. It's very crude. How are ya, Harry? Hello, Marvin. Yeah, I'm gettir better. How about yourself? - Well, complaining doesn't make any difference, huh? - [Man] Come get a shot of this. So, what do you figure this was? Well, he thinks somebody was mad at the vending machine. Uh, look, you two kibbutz somewhere else. - You're impeding criminal science. - Yes, yes, right. So, how goes your Patrovita case? I find new angles every day. Believe me, he'll run out of options before we run out of patience. - I already have. - Nobody can blame you. Somebody said they took you off this case. Well, they don't control all the hours of my day. Don't mess around, Harry. We might have something workir that you don't know about. My guess is that whatever you've got workir... won't work. We're doir all we can. Great. So am I. I know with you it's personal, but we're both after the same thing... justice. Right, Harry? Justice. Fuck justice! [Indistinct Chatter] - [Dance] - Allow me. There you go. I don't really want to lose you But I don't want to go What's new on the domestic front? I don't have the report typed out yet. I can tell the way they act and their attitude Remember that horse we used to look at? I bought it. What's on your mind, Max? You. What can he do for you I can't? This was your idea, not mine. Well, I didn't expect it to go this far. How far has it gone? Does he climb into your pants five times a day? Is that what you wanna hear? Not really. I'd like to know it was me. The only way you'll ever end up lying next to me is if we're run down by the same car. I like it when you hurt me, baby. - [Gasping] - Myself... I'd rather give than receive. Wrong. Ever think about ever settling down [Chuckles] Max... I don't think we're going to be the kind of pals I hoped we'd be. If a tear rolls from my eyes I feel the hurt inside As I ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Ведьма на английском - текст Осенний марафон на английском - текст Гарфилд: История двух кошечек на английском - текст Хорнблауэр: Возмездие на английском - текст Вооружён и опасен на английском |