was looking for somebody? - I didn't. I thought I might get lucky. Where're you from? The last few years? Miami. - Your references? - I'm in the computer. I'm sure you can find a couple of cops that can punch it up for you. What makes you think I'd be happy to see Lamanski's ass kicked? You see, in Miami, we can tell everything by the flow of the blow. This Lamanski has been making bigger buys every week. Now, I know he has been biting into someone's action. Go see the cashier. She'll give you a thousand dollars in chips. Enjoy yourself. In case you forget, I'll be checking back with you. I don't believe a fucking word he said. Girl Scouts build character... and it's a lot cheaper. You pester me, I'll have you tossed out. You have that kind of clout around here? - They know me. - I envy them. - Place your bets. - I'm sure nobody will mind if you go home before you're broke. Don't trouble yourself over my money. I always get more. Getting it somewhere else might change your luck. [Indistinct Chatter] Where the hell do you think he's goir? [Driver] Takira leak? He's in here? Perfect! If any more guys duck down that alley, we're gonna start sellir tickets. - Where'd he go? - This way. Come on, come on! Come on! [Siren Wailing] Forget it! - Hurry up! - Wait up! - Any trouble? - Oh, nothing special. - All these alleys probably have rats. - You got some I.D.? Sure. Saw those three guys leave the hotel after ya. Anything particular or, uh, just a mugging? They had trouble telling me what they wanted. Yeah, I'll bet. Joseph P. Brenner. What's the "P" stand for? Pussy. See ya around. Harry, everything is moving along fine. The apartment is okay. I'm renting a car tomorrow. Something happened last night that got me thinking. I might get into a spot where a cop is shooting at me. Any idea how I ought to handle it? Three back-busters jumped me. I have a feeling that Max Keller had something to do with it. Rocca is probably checking on me as I talk. I'll stay in touch. Hi. When was the last time you had a good piss? [Lookout] Hey, let me in. I gotta take a leak. - [Woman] Freeze.! - Don't move! - Hold it right there! - In the back room! Cover me! - We got 'em now! - Let's get out of here! - Freeze! - [Woman Gasps] - Hey, what the... - Hold it! - [Woman Shouts, Indistinct] - [Man] Throw it.! - You got a paper? - I got a warrant. You got your rights. Patrovita's got a big fuckir headache. Call the president. I think we just fixed the deficit. That's $100 million on the street. We can make it up in a couple of weeks. Just what Lamanski needed. If he's got a lot of shit on hand, he's gonna step in at bargain prices... and grab a great big chunk of the business! Well, why don't we just take him out? Because he's looking for it! You won't get near him now, unless you want to start a war. Nobody needs that. Later. - How many got busted? - Eight. Nobody pulled a trigger. They'll all make bail. Have you found a replacement for Tony? I'm looking somebody over. - I want it back. - What? The money. The smack. It's mine. I want it back. Oh, come on! What are we gonna do, knock over city hall? We don't even know where they got it stashed. But we know somebody who can tell us. That shit is mine. I paid for it, and I want it back. And I'm gonna get it back. How the hell is it you never did any time? I'm smart, unlike someone we know. Max thinks you stink from trouble. - He doesn't want you around. - I'm sure he makes a lot of mistakes. Never the same one twice. You're on. But consider yourself temporary. And if Max is right, very temporary. We start tomorrow. It's nice to be one of the family. - Get my car, please. - Yes, sir. Sam, could you get me a cab, please? [Whistles] Taxi.! ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском - текст Листопад на английском - текст Вооружён и опасен на английском - текст Старая, старая сказка на английском - текст Снегурочка на английском |