water. Okay. I'm calm now and clean. You did this on purpose, didn't you? What? Let the towing hitch hit me in the hmm-hmm? Threw myself in the lake and sunk the boat? No, you snuck Beethoven in the boat and you towed him here with us. You did, Dad? Thanks! Ah, you're welcome sweetheart. No! Wait a minute. I didn't do that. Look, Beethoven obviously got away from the kennel, Jumped in the boat and hitched a ride here. Pretty smart dog. He's an untrained, drooling hair ball. Beethoven, sit. See? Now what are we gonna do with him? Set him free. He'll be fэne in the wild. - He's as big as a bear. - Dad, no! Dad! Don't worry. There are no bears here, Brennan. I don't see any other choice. We have to take him with us. - Oh, joy. - All right. The minute Beethoven causes me extra work, he's walking to California. That's fair. That's very reasonable. So what happened to the boat? Uh, it's... They took it away. He completely totalled it? No... but enough. Look, it wasn't really all his fault. Sara, let's take the dog for a walk. He was in the boat for a long time. Come on, Beethoven. Brennan, come with us. How much did you get for it? What? The boat? No, the shards of fэberglass that we used to call the boat. I had to pay them to take it away. Oh. Mm-hmm. Oh. Okay. That's great. No, I'm gonna walk him. What are you doing? I'm adding up everything that Beethoven's cost us... so I know how much to charge George and Alice when we get to the family reunion. Beethoven! Sara, I wouldn't let him chase that thing. Beethoven, stop! Brennan! That's gonna stink! Ooh! Sir, we've had some complaints about your dog. I'm sorry. He's a house dog. He doesn't get out much. Really? Well, look, it's against park regulations... to allow fraternization between the domestic animals and the wildlife. And from the smell of your dog, he's been fraternizing. Really? Yeah, just keep him confined to the campgrounds, and, please, get him cleaned up; he reeks. How do I get rid of the smell? Well, there's only one way I know for certain. Uh-huh? Tomato sauce. Any particular kind of tomato sauce? Something with basil would be nice. No, no, no! Beethoven! Oh, no! Stop! Stop! Go throw him in the lake! Watch the coffee, dude! Ice coffee. Oh, I told you they'd never get away from me. Do you remember how they used to laugh at me in school, William? All the time. Especially the time when you were in gym class, and you peed your pants... I'm-I'm just an idiot. Well, who's laughing now, William? I don't know. Who? Okay. Here's the plan. We wait until night. Then we waltz in under cover of darkness. Yes, and when the family is asleep, we grab the DVD and make a stealthy retreat. That's a good plan. I know it's a good plan, because I made up the plan. You don't have to explain... What? It's brain freeze! Half a cup next time, dude. Okay, Beethoven. Including the tomato sauce, the mop... and the boat, so far you've cost us $ 2,754. You're enjoying this, aren't you? So you got any money? Do you have a job? That's what I thought. Mom, listen to this. I found a great St. Bernard web site. The St. Bernard dog is named after the St. Bernard Pass high in the Swiss Alps. The most famous St. Bernard was named Barry, and he saved the lives of 41 people. Wow. The last person he saved was a little boy trapped on an icy ledge. Barry carried the boy back to the monks at the hospice, 20 miles through the deep snow. Oh, my gosh! Mom, look! He looks just like Beethoven. He does. Let's see. Now where... There he is, right where he landed. Just one tooth. Okay, time for bed. Come on. Are you sure Beethoven is gonna be okay outside? Honey, didn't you tell me he was built to live in the mountains? - But what if he gets lonely? - He won't get lonely, honey. Good night, sweetheart. - Mom? - What, honey? Why do you hate Beethoven so much? ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Спрятанный на английском - текст Деловые люди на английском - текст Бетховен 4 на английском - текст Милашка в розовом на английском - текст Руслан и Людмила на английском |