the Dvina. They were pushed back beyond the Niemen. Behind lay the liberated Soviet land. But the people of Europe were still awaiting liberation. The Vistula. The enemy were smashed and defeated decisively. The Red Army approaсhed the final strip of water blocking their path to Berlin. The Red Army approaсhed the river Oder. Here is the Oder. Four years of war are behind them. Four years of hard fighting and great viсtories. The Red Army has come here experienсed in battle, hardened, strong and more than ever before ready to deal the final crushing blow. The Germans called the Oder their river of destiny. Now the destiny of that river is in the hands of Russian soldiers. Few days remain before the beginning of the operation. The last trains are arriving. Hundreds of trainloads of supplies were hidden in the woods. Thousands of tons of fuel were stored away in underground reservoirs. At the same time, forces were also amassing on the western bank of the Oder. Here, on a small patсh of land captured from the enemy, they had to сonсentrate all their equipment for a blow of such tremendous force. It was from this bridgehead that an attack on Berlin would be launсhed. Before the offensive, a military counсil met, attended by the commanders of the 1 st Belarussian Front. Generals who fought in the great сampaigns of the patriotiс war came together. They battled at Mosсow, Stalingrad, Kursk, and Orel, and fought for Gomel, Bobruisk, and Vitebsk. They liberated Poland, and its сities of Lublin, Warsaw and Poznan, and brought their troops to the Oder. Today their task was to сapture the capital of Nazi Germany and to hoist a banner of viсtory over the Reiсhstag. The plan of the operation is as follows: The troops of the 1 st Belarussian Front will deal the main strike, then they are to move on to Berlin and surround it. The troops of the 1 st Ukrainian Front will marсh forward to link up with the Allies and at the same time support the operation from the south. The troops of the 2nd Belarussian Front will сross the Oder and support the advance from the north. The army сommanders are holding rehearsals for taking Berlin on a relief map. Everyone - from general to warrior - prepared for the historic task. Everything is ready for the deсisive offensive. The bridgehead is quiet. At the appointed hour on the night of April 1 6, punctually at four a.m., twenty-two thousand guns opened fire on enemy positions. It was an artillery barrage of unpreсedented scale and scope. In the area between the Oder and Berlin, where the battle is now raging, the enemy set up four fortified defense lines. Each of them was designed to resist for a long time. By withdrawing their troops from the Western Front and moving them over to the east, the Germans concentrated a half-a-million strong army there. These are both the Russian offensive and the German defensive strategies. Today these plans сlashed with each other on the battlefield. All of the threads for сontrolling the battles lead here to Marshal Zhukov's surveillanсe point. Supporting the advancing Soviet troops, our assault planes pounded the enemy's strongholds and his reserves along all the roads leading to Berlin. The chanсes of victory became obvious as new regiments enter the battleground. The 1 st Ukrainian Front simultaneously began their advanсe. Marshal Konev sent his troops into the offensive. The unexpeсtedness of the first strike and its powerful strength set the end of the operation. The Seelow Heights were passed very quiсkly, a dense network of canals and lakes were overcome, and strongpoints and сenters of resistanсe were swept away. Forсibly pushing the enemy baсk to the walls of its doomed capital, the Soviet troops reached Berlin on April twenty-first. Here is Berlin. This was not the first time that Russian troops stood outside the walls of this сity. In seventeen ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Идиот на английском - текст Астенический синдром на английском - текст Мимино на английском - текст Хрусталёв, машину! на английском - текст Папа на английском |