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Берегись автомобиля

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What about the show?
There will be no show!
Here's the account about
all the work done.
The report... about my arrest.
Good evening!
- Congratulations on the premiere!
- You too.
They got me such a funny wig!
Why would you need a wig?
You've spent your whole life "in costume".
And why do you talk about
my life in some past tense?
Trial's tomorrow!
You're looking at 5 years.
I have mitigating circumstances:
I'm an honest person.
Like what? Stealing cars from
criminals to sell to other criminals?
Honest indeed...
So my job had some drawbacks.
Whose doesn't?
You, for example, for a long time
you failed to catch me.
It's hard to catch a person
leading a double life!
- Lying and cheating everone!
- I was constantly tormented by that.
Tie the bow for me.
No good deed can go hand in hand
with lying and dishonesty.
You played judge and executioner!
What gave you the right?
In all conscience, this is all
a folly and a crime.
You're in custody,
where are you going?
- So you think I'm guilty too?
- Yes!
Comrades, we've got a full house!
Everyone on stage, please.
Oh, don't forget to say:
"To be or not to be?"
Still not ready?
Here, Hamlet, my handkerchief!
Wipe your forehead!
The Queen drinks to your success, Hamlet!
The third time, Laertes, stop kidding.
I ask you, attack with all your might!
- I'm afraid you think I'm a wuss.
- You think! We begin!
Let us forgive each other,
honorable Hamlet.
Heaven make thee free of it!
I follow thee. Horatio!
I am dead...
Mother, adieu!
Yura, I'm here!
Stand up! Court is in session!
The trial continues.
Detochkin circumvented the law,
but the law doesn't joke around.
In all his years, the judge had never before
seen such a strange, paradoxical case.
The law could take Detochkin's
freedom for as much as 5 years.
Detochkin isn't just a thief - but worse!
He's a bandit!
He should be tried for brigandage
and breaking and entering!
This guy went after what is
most sacred for us! The constitution!
It says there: "Every person
has the right to own property...
...and it's protected by law."
Every man has the right to own a car,
a summer home, books... money!
Comrades, nobody's canceled money yet.
From each according to their ability,
to each according to their need... in cash.
Let the court note,
that there are criminal charges
against this witness, Mr Semitsvetov.
- Daddy! - No matter, dear,
you'll find another, an honest one.
While Dima Semitsvetov's future
was gradually become clearer,
the future of Yuri Detochkin
remained vague.
Finally, the court called the most
important witness: Maxim Podberozivokov.
Distinguished memeber of the court.
First I lead this case
as an investigator.
But when it turned out that
the defendant was my friend,
I resigned from leading the case,
and am now appearing
only as a witness.
I understand, your honors,
it's a complex issue:
Detochkin broke the law,
but his motives were noble!
He was selling the cars,
but giving the money to children.
He is, of course, guilty.
But he's not... guilty.
Please spare him, your honors.
He's a VERY good person.
And an excellent worker!
Well, you don't know,
so shut up!
Free Yura Detochkin!
Quiet! I deman silence,
or I'll clear this court!
The defendant -
the final word is yours.
Your honors,
perhpas I wasn't acting right...
...but with a pure heart.
I couldn't stand it...
I mean, people steal!... A lot!
I tried to help you, your honors.
That's why... this happened.
Let me go.
I won't do it again.
Honestly, I won't.
As we already know,
audiences like thrillers.
It's pleasant, watching a story
knowing how it's going to end.
This unlikely story - nobody
knows where it took place,
...and whether it took place at all -
is nearing its end.
Hello, Luba.
I am back.Audiences like thrillers.
It's pleasant, watching a story
knowing how it's going to end.
In general, it's flattering
Берегись автомобиля Берегись автомобиля

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